Power conditioners

I assume you are not in the uk? As doing what you are suggesting, lifting the safety ground on 13 amp sockets, contravenes electrical regulations in the UK, potentially lethally dangerous, and would nullify most house insurances.
I believe Naim equipment is designed to be earth grounded to function optimally, anywa with respect to star grounding.
Remember also neutral and ground have a relationship with each other depending on your utility setup.

The point is if you use a TT earth system, it would be like ‘isolating” your earth from your utility supply, but still providing critical safety Earth.

Not in the UK. In Sweden grounded outlets in rooms not being kitchen or bathroom became mandatory in 1995 so all houses and apartments built prior to that have non grounded outlets in livingrooms and other rooms.

So if you wanted to use naim prior to 1995 with grounded outlets you had to use it in the bathroom or kitchen :wink:

I believe it has been the same for most of EU countries.

Yes in the UK, CPC got introduced into electrical regulations in 1966.

I was under the impression that the neutral was grounded at source? Is that correct?

Depends on your earthing system, but is grounded at least at your substation

Yes that’s what I meant, thanks

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@burg @Neil0001
So what was the outcome of the trying the PMS156?

For me, a positive result, and it’s all part of addressing all the elements in the system. Power, cables, signal quality, amplification and speakers… and there’s only two active inputs in that, and that’s the signal and power. I feel it’s made a difference… and one that worth it in my system.


Is this what people mean when they say “a system to die for”?


In waiting for the electrician I’m trying what a 2.5mm2 grounded power cable from a socket nearby the mains unit will do with my current system. I’m pretty sure I hear a more firm bass, more silence, more details and more PRaT.

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Yes :v: and it will be even better when directly from the fusebox ,try to get at least 16 A Fuse and a thicker cable.

Not sure how a direct connection to my room could be made but that’s for my electrician to find out :blush:

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