Power on but no sound

So after getting help yesterday w my NAP150X/202/HiCap/Napsc cable issues and getting it to work (sounds great) I switch on the system today and nothing…Powers up but with the tuner on and cd player running, no sound out of the speakers. I went through the input mapping sequence again for the RCA inputs just in case but still no sound. All four components are powered up and both sources are on as well and running. Double checked cabling (although I had not touched it after yesterday) Still no sound. Frustrating. Any ideas? There is no Naim dealer in this rural area of Canada.

Mute button?

Stupid me, not the mute but the amp. The display was on but I had not switched it on, the hicap made it appear on as the lights were on…Duh…


By amp do you mean the 150? The Hicap being on or off does not affect the lights on the 150. The 202 does not have an on/off switch. The Napsc will light up the buttons on the 202 but you need the Hicap on to get sound. Are you sure you have it all wired up correctly?

Yes, as noted a couple of posts ago, I had the 150X switched off. It lit up when the HC was on and I assumed the amp was on as well…

And that was my point. The 150 does not light up when switched off, whether a Hicap is on or not.

I think from the angle I was looking at the light appeared to be on…

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