Dear audiophiles, I apologize for my Italianized English, I kindly ask you for expert advice, I would like to know if combining an nDac (updated to the latest firmware) with the NDX 2 to bnc bnc the audio chain is an improvement. Furthermore, at the moment I have connected the sources to a Supernait 2 (planning to change to a suitable integrated amplifier) and above all which Naim product do you recommend to provide more power to the audio sources and which of these (NDX2 or nDac). One last thing, what type of amplifier to connect to the audio sources. I would like to point out that at the moment I do not have a large budget. As speakers I use the Harbeth M30.2 XD.
Answer = (1) XPS, (2) XPS DR, (3) 555PS, (4) 555PS DR
Note : If you are using nDAC + Naim streamer together, PSU should be applied to nDAC.
I would not add an nDac to the NDX2. Adding a power supply is a good idea, either XPSDR or 555PSDR. The 555 is better.
If you want a better amplifier, a NAC282, Hicap DR and 250DR would be ideal.
Alternatively, consider the New Classic NAC332 and the new NAP250. If doing that, it’s worth considering swapping the NDX2 for a New Classic NSS333.
What’s wrong with the supernait 2?
Stick a hicap on it.
NDX2 vs nDAC is a preference. Search the forum, there are many threads on this. The two devices have different sound characters and which you pick might be system/speaker dependent.
Whichever way you go a PSU is a great upgrade. Get the best one you can afford - used prices are buyer friendly.
NDX2 as transport into nDAC works very well and you have the benefit of the remote control and screen. The generally recommended transport for value for money would be the ND5XS2. There are a number of forum members running ND5XS2/nDAC/555PSDR for instance.
Thank you for the kind collaboration, in fact I had the opportunity to listen to ndx2 with an xps dr and indeed the sound timbre showed a clear difference, so I oriented myself on the purchase of an xps dr, in the future I would like to upgrade amplifier and I have no idea whether to switch to SN3 or upgrade my SN2, what do you recommend
Keep the sn2, there is little to gain (if anything) by swapping to the ‘3.
Yesterday, I listened to my olive Nait 2 (CD model) and it was quite pleasant and musical with the ND5xs2/nDAC/PS555DR and is satisfying for low volume back-ground listening, or when visitors come for dinner.
I thoroughly enjoy listening to my ND5xs2/nDAC/PS555DR in my primary system 72/HC/250
The power supply PS555DR is absolutely amazing on the nDAC, every aspect of the sound is improved by the PS555DR and the result is continuous foot-tapping music which comes from either Naim Internet Radio or my UPnP attached Naim Core.
I only recently came to the Naim streaming world, as I had previously listened to a Core/nDAC/PS555DR as a replacement for a deceased CD player.