I have a Naim Atom driving Dynaudio Excite X44s and had previously been using a Puritan Classic+ with an upgraded NCF Rhodium IEC. I finally found a used Powerline here in the US and installed yesterday and the difference is considerable. Detail retrieval is way up, a general feeling of openness increased, no downsides so far as I can tell. Certainly a worthwhile upgrade even on the “lowliest” Naim equipment!
Yes Powerlines work wonderfully with Naim products! They are hard to find 2nd hand in North America but worth the wait IMHO
Glad to hear. This will be my next move.
And yes they are hard to get used in North America.
I saw one a few months ago at less then 50%.
Timing was not very good at that time.
Later as temporary I went from cheap commercial to Audioquest NRG something. Basic compared to many big ones but the improvement step was much bigger then expected.
Can’t wait for the real thing.
Indeed, I ordered one too many PowerLines years back so stuck it on my UQ2 expecting nothing at all. It was either that or leave it in the box. I mean, surely it isn’t resolving enough whereby it could make any difference.
It made a very decent improvement.
AVOptions in North America also has their own branded power cables that are good sounding (I still have a couple) with Naim equipment.
I use Sim Audio Moon and Melco electronics. My experience has been that Powerlines make a very significant and fundamental musical improvement. I’m always puzzled when people report otherwise, but perhaps variations in mains supply can explain this.
Yes thanks, have them on my radar too.
I got lucky with the nice Superwiremold power bar at very good price, and I might very well get a Tibiaplus at some point. Depending of the sound results I will probably either use it on the NAP or the second systems (Qute).
Powerline is an awsome cable on Naim products. I’ve tried Ansuz A2 2800EUR, Oephi Immenance around the same price, Chord Sarum etc and never been able to replace Powerline. The synergy with Naim products is real.
Look like the Force is strong in you.
I now have a Tibiaplus + a Hubble DC on the way from AVOption.
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