Proac D30 RS e Proac D18

Yes I was thinking to change them with a new pair of D30 DS with Dome twitter and see … I bought the D30 RS second hand, they look quite new but some default maybe in them…
Thank you

Best of luck to you. Out of curiosity are you using Vinyl or Digital(CD, Streamer etc)?

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The ribbon tweeter is not the problem. We need more info on you set-up: source, cables, speaker cable, room photo.

Loving my “un-involving” K6 Signatures. :rofl:


They have Bi-Wire terminals. If you are single wiring you might want to get jumpers and remove the factory links.


nd5x2+supernait3+chord clearway+Proac D30RS,D18

The problem is This?

It could be as simple as speaker placement. The D30rs may need to be moved just a little away from walls or further apart.

Could be. I’ve owned numerous ProAc’s the only one that I found extremely sibilant where D25’s . None of the Ribbon ProAc’s I’ve owned, D30R, D20R, D48R have been anything but beautiful on top. Not sure what’s causing your problem but I think it not the speakers.

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Shouty, bright sound can often be caused by poor soldering technique. I’d start with different speaker cable. Ask the dealer for a set of Naca5 speaker cable for comparison. I’m not familiar with Chord Clearway.

Also, try a different interconnect between your streamer and supernait.

The ProAc ribbon should be nothing but sweet, detailed and totally immersive.


I think it would be very helpful if you could take some pictures of your room and system

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Done in all way…

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There are also D18 e B&W DM 1800 and with those no problem only sweet music…

Are the ProAc’s new? Perhaps there’s a warranty issue with the tweeters?

They should not sound bright.

No new , second hand but looks like new and very well kept…bought at Proac dealer…

So is it practical to ask the dealer to make a house call and check out the problem?

The best sound I ever heard from Naim was Nap 300/Nac252/CDS3 and large Proacs. Sound was superb and impactful, anything but bright. Definitely a great match.

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D30 are large?

@lucaxs Huh? I thought you said you have D30 ?

I auditioned Nap 300/252 with large Proac floorstanders. Unsure of the model but they were $20K years ago. Superb sound.

Mistake , they are bi wired