Anybody else having issues with Quboz?
Tried to steam some Pink Floyd today to find most of their albums are unavailable except DSOM and the Wall.
Anyone else been having similar problems?
No problems here. I did a search for Pink Floyd and from the Artist page selected albums. All appeared to be listed and appeared to play without any issues.
Not a fan but I had a look and can see that one DSOTM remaster has been pulled but everything else is there.
Quboz is an alternative of Qobuz ?
This is why I buy downloads for my own local collection rather than rely on streaming
Whatever the problem was seems to have been rectified. Wish You Were here was unavailable for me earlier when I checked but it’s back now.
So figured it out….they have migrated some of those albums to Hi res so I’ve re installed them and all good now……just waiting for them to do Animals re mix….
No problem with a large listing of Pink Floyd albums on Qobuz here in Seattle WA.
it would be useful to add your location to your profile as questions like this vary country to country