PS555 vs. PS555DR

A/V Options in Chicago makes an excellent outlet that will eliminate the hum. All my powerlines and TT chord are attached and dead silent.

I bought my 555ps exdem and it used to hum a bit but when I swapped from CDX2 to ND555 it failed to power the ND, it did however run an NDS at the dealers. Off it went to Naim where they found a blown diode and regulator on the rail not used by the NDX or CDX2 but needed by the ND, it was probably blown while it was still a demo unit but remained undiscovered. Too late for a warranty claim so might as while DR it. Somehow it doesn’t hum any more and nor do any other of my DR boxes.

FWIW, my Olive xps hums but the supercap and 135 amps do not. All plugged into the same mains spur too.
As far as your DR inquirie. Imo unless your going to DR your whole kit (maybe you have already I didn’t look) I wouldn’t. What I found was some dr and some not doesn’t really sing/gel until the whole kit gets DR’d. Call it Synergy or whatever you like. It was good hifi but didn’t bring me closer to the music until the whole system was DR. Then that was a different story.

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