Psycho Cat

Human damage to the environment kills way more birds than cats do.


That’s the kind of attitude that got us where we are. Of course we do more damage but don’t you ever feel you’d like to make a difference. Plus 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

I have been making a difference for 50 years, doing what I can for the environment way before it was fashionable to be concerned. I became vegetarian in 77 because of concerns about the damage meat production was doing to the planet.

Pete, the Aussie experience is well documented with domestic cats being an imported non-native causing havoc with the indigenous species but it is a very different situation here in Europe.
RSPB report most small birds are killed by bigger birds of prey, environmental changes/ damage, and roadkills on highways all which is generally not seen out of sight out of mind, but when Tiddles comes home with bird in gob, one generally gets a front row seat of the shocking spectacle, or the plucked aftermath of feathers all over the dining room floor.


I dont doubt that. Vegan here for same reason. I also keep my cat in during the early morning and evening when she wants to go out and hunt. It doesnt case a problem for her other than the odd moan and saves the birds and frogs from being killed (by the cat) which we do everything else to encourage in the garden… Its just something I can do, and I agree the magpies and crows are by far the biggest predators… absolute pests.

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