Thanks for feedback so far everyone. I’ve ordered Puritans ultimate cable yesterday as stated earlier and I need to see what that can do.
System is sounding wonderful again this morning.
When I said yesterday the sound is different there are definitely positives. The sound is clearer, more neutral. The soundstage is wider and more airy. The noise floor is lower. The bass is well controlled.
What do you feel is the SQ difference between your two mains blocks with your amazing LP12 as the source rather than the ND555 (with latest firmware)? Perhaps that will be more telling?
I’ve just looked up the price of a Puritan PSM156.
Is it not easier & cheaper to have an Airlink Transformers BPS installed on a dedicated radial instead?
There’s not a lot between them. The more I listen to the system with the Puritan 156 the more I get used to it.
I feel the Puritan 156 still has more to give.
The soundstage is wider and more airy with Puritan 156. The Musicworks is warmer, and felt very bedded in. Both are very musical. The Puritan has been getting better as each day goes by.
Note I always prefer 500DR plugged direct to mains and kept off the block.
But with transformer buzz the 500DR PS is on the block.
Once I make a decision I can sell the Musicworks block. I need a block anyhow as I have alot of boxes. I have a few powerlines to sell, and various other bits.
A dedicated radial on separate consumer unit would mean cutting discs out of the ceiling, wall chase, redecoration and so on. It’s been decorated this year. Also I am not in a mental state for all that upheaval.
I have a separate radial, but from main board.
In time I can revisit the mains with the view of having separate 10mm radials and ring mains for system and look at different ways to deal with DC. But not an option now with recovering from an operation and another op due in a few weeks.
Thanks Dan, yep I tend to agree. I have tried a few DC blockers too and they also had no impact. I’ve concluded it needs a service, which I will get round to doing at some point soon.
Thanks for the response but I have been through every thread known to man on the old and new forum and have found no solution. I think sometimes Naim transformers just hum…
Yes that is my experience too. My 552PS hums slightly although having a 156. My 555PSDR and 500PS are dead silent. Without the 156 they all have a hummmm partyyyy.
Sometimes Naim transformers just hum, regardless of DC. How old is the Supercap DR? I know you probably bought it on ebay but it should have 5 year warranty nevertheless.
It might be worth talking to Naim support and see what they suggest. If it’s as bad as you say and annoying you then the transformer, although probably okay technically may be replaced or repaired under warranty. Although that would leave the system out of use unless you bought a used Supercap 2 for temporary use while its away.
That would probably be route I would take. Also if you wanted to sell it on it might create a problem too.