No idea why everybody gets upset about Tidals banners and it’s rap focus. It’s the most popular format and market for music in the world why would they not push it. Not as if it’s exclusively rap, under the banners is all my musical tastes in one place and caters for all tastes. I guess I could pour the hate on Qobuz for all the crap I have never heard of thats bannered on its home page, rerelease of rock dinosaurs and Jazz and classical musicians I have never heard of but I don’t as it’s got more than that as well.
At least Tidal actually curates its homepage to recommend new material to your musical tastes based on my collection. Qobuz not so , Simply Red rather be dead in a ditch thanks.
I disagree, Tidal promote that sort of music, no doubt because of Jay-Zs involvement, but the more you use it, the more it suggests music connected with your own tastes instead. Then, if you just use it as a search tool, all that becomes irrelevant, and a search tool either finds what you want, or it doesn’t, and their catalogue is pretty wide.
Must be frustrating for Qobuz to have eventually entered the US market only for Amazon HD to have a recent release - no idea how much the Amazon offering is in the US, but I’d imagine the Qobuz pricing is very competitive.
While I can understand them ditching the MP3 tier, I hope if similar changes come to the UK/elsewhere that they’ll at least retain the option of local MP3 downloads/streaming on mobile devices as by its very nature travel means you don;t always have the best connectivity - MP3 if you need it, but minimum pricing will be CD quality audio.
Yes, Obsidian, have you had a look at Tidal’s jazz offering lately?
They have a large slice of ecm, plus most of Brad Mehldau, plus huge quantities of great modern jazz - enough literally for a lifetime of listening, or two!
There’s always a free trial! I’ve been using Tidal for a while now, but currently giving Qobuz another try. Sound quality seems pretty decent, and the catalogue seems pretty wide. The way their library is curated is, like Tidal, far from perfect, although there are not so many duplicates. One thing that bugs me is that they have lumped loads of singles and EPs in with the album lists, so if you tend to browse by album, you have to sift through all that to find them.
Flipping to Qobuz I find that also a pain, aside from filtering your genre and then the Qobuz playlists or New releases, why can’t it just let me view all albums by genre rather than searching.
I still run Tidal, Spotify and Qobuz, I only use Spotify to export playlists view Soundiz to Tidal and Qobuz.
I also like how Tidal filter by MQA, whereas Qobuz does for example not allow to filter 24bit / 192.
I do believe once Amazon sort out WASAPI support I can drop all the others and settle on Amazon Ulra HD family, as it ticks all the boxes for me, home, car, and mobile.
A last shout out for Roon, I still miss it’s curation, I discovered more new music with it that ever before.