Qobuz issues: Feed pausing on Mac App... Spinning wheel

Hi All, Over the last week or so when I’m playing Qobuz through my Mac mini and using the Qobuz desktop app, the feed keeps pausing mid sone and I’m getting a spinning circle where the play/pause icon normally is. Anybody else having this? I’ve checked my connection with with Speedtest and there’s plenty of room available…

Any thoughts?


Probably worth a restart of your Mac to eliminate the easy.


I get this from time to time. Never worked out the cause. Does it at work where I have a super fast connection and at home where it’s a slow connection.

Ive thought it might related to Qobuz trying to work out where I am as I switch networks, but without logs or some sort of messages from the application it’s just guess work.

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Glad I’m not alone! Never happens with my NDX2… ah the sweet mysteries of technology…

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