Qobuz & WAV Files

I presume you mean ‘download’ FLAC? Once you’ve made your purchase you can download in the format of your choice, if you want a different format later on then you just download in your new format.

Out of ‘desparation’ I tried HD Trcks US-site and a VPN software. Works a treat.

By purchase I mean that & download, but from now on, I will just avoid the frustration & select FLAC, the dBp conversion is but a few moments.

Adam, I too use HDT USA via VPN, problem is they do not always have the artist/album I’m looking for. Pricing is not the best either.

What VPN do you use, HDT software has become very smart with spotting VPN use.

I use VyprVPN for Mac / iPad - it even gets through the Great Firewall of China when I travel there every year on business.

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This all chimes with my experience. I always download in FLAC and edit the metadata to suit my personal preferences and make it consistent with how I have set up MinimServer. But Qobuz metadata always needs the most work before saving to the NAS particularly with classical as, for example, they don’t seem to understand the difference between composer and artist. Best for metadata when buying classical, I have found, are record company web sites (where they have them) and arguably best of these is Hyperion. But you do usually pay a premium.

So I’m not sure I buy the argument that the problem is with the label/distributor rather than Qobuz.



Do you need an ‘address/zip code’ in the US and non-description email address?

In some cases you need to pay with a card registered in the right country. Paypal can be a way round this.

I have not started buying music on line in any format yet (don’t know where to go) but having read this thread I am wondering why bother!

This thread really should not make you think that way, put in perspective it’s just this one company out of many that has a problem with one sub level issue.

I use my gmail account and PayPal (with my Polish address) - works so far :slight_smile:

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You shouldn’t worry. Just because one shop sells rotten apples, it doesn’t mean apples are bad in general. On the contrary - they are good for you (especially when in a form of cider :wink: )

True. But further back in the thread there is a list of on line music stores with reasons why you shouldn’t use them!
I have yet to decide whether to buy my music as downloads for a number of reasons. Who do I buy from, what server to use, how do I access booklets when supllied. Viewing artwork, I cannot see any artwork on the Naxos downloads on my Star for example. I just want to be able to buy and download music without having to be a computer genius!


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