Quality control

Yes, you can of course break things down into their components, but on an overall level it is about leadership and education, the rest of what you mention is based on that.

Can I just say to the OP that I fully understand where you’re coming from - a brand you like and trust had two issues with a product, quite an expensive product in real terms, that you recommended to a friend.

Buying a product that has an essential part missing - that it will not work without is an issue – I’d be p1ssed off it happened to me.

Then you come here and people are saying it’s ridiculous that you might post such faff and that you’re merely Worzel Gummidge like mumble grumbling.

The “Naim can do no wrong brigade” that one meets here can be equally as annoying and frustrating as the “Naim can do no right brigade” that you meet on other fora.

Perhaps it’s just Newton’s third law of hifi however and I should just accept the physics.



Hi Dave. In the 1980’s (and beyond) I worked part time for a conscientious dealer. Main brands were Linn, Rega, Royd and for some time Naim. It was policy to never sell a sealed box. In other words, every component was removed from the box and tested regardless of the inevitable delays when business was brisk. Some customers feared that an open box meant ex-demo. equipment, in which case they were welcome to come to the shop and witness the unboxing/testing ritual. I thought it all too time consuming, but now I understand that firms with enviable QC can make errors. The dealer can minimise the problems caused.


I read that many years back, Rega used to slip green planar 3 decks or speakers randomly into boxes to see if the dealers were indeed (as instructed) unpacking and testing before giving to the customer.

Linn are masters at poor QC. I spent a shed load of money on the NGODSM. On arrival at my home it had a faulty decal/ power light indicator and when number 2 arrived it had a scratch to the upper metal case work and glue all over the inner disc of the volume knob! Number 3 was fine with no problems I think? Not even the word sorry came from Linn.

Weren’t there stickers with the name of the person that built it?

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