Quobuz recently cutting out on Eero Network

Yikes I didn’t notice he said Radio Paradise isn’t having issues. Now this is odd. The plot thickens…

Lower bandwidth of aac radio vs cd or higher res qobuz?
Could try dropping the streaming rate of qobuz right down and see if that works.
Also try streaming at cd rate just using qobuz app with the phone as the output device, using home WiFi, does that stutter?

I was about to say try the web version of Qobuz to see if it has issues etc.

Finally, I may have the answer. I slowly unplugged the ATT modem this afternoon, and left it while I unplugged the Eero modules, two upstairs and two downstairs. Then I restarted the ATT modem after a couple of minutes unplugged. Then I went around and replugged each of the Eero modules. Restart the modem, and then the Eero network. When they all came up, we seemed to be back in business. No skipping, cutouts, or balkiness. It has been back up and running Quobuz all afternoon. Fingers crossed. If it changes, I will update this post here.

Thank you all for your help.

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Qobuz like Netflix like nearly all cloud streaming service providers use CDN (content delivery networks) to deliver media. These are commercial cloud content media servers distributed around the world connected to the internet for optimum, resilient and efficient routing performance. Therefore a constantly stuttering playout of media is almost certainly a problem with your ISP or most likely your home network products… or else it tends to hit the news. These CDNs are used for most things now consumed via the internet.
I looked at the Eero setup, at its pros and cons… pros is that it is cheap and can work well plug and play, cons are that it get its mesh path non optimum, which means certain paths across its mesh can be non optimum… and you need to encourage it to set up a new mesh path… which is what you did by powering off and on again.
See how it goes… if it happens again, you might want to experiment by relocating the mesh nodes in your house.
If it still happens you might want to switch products to a mesh network with a wired backhaul… these are best for performance and are generally recommended for maximum compatibility for applications and software , but you do need to Ethernet enable the nodes or access points to your router.

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I was hoping you’d chime in SiS. Always nice to hear your Networking perpective.
I have an Eero network setup and yes I’m using wired backhaul. I’ve rarely had any issues but like most things, everyone’s setup is different.

The only time I’ve had issues is during an automatic software update at 2:00am in the morning when sometimes I’m still listening to music but that’s my personal problem. lol

Hi sounds good, yes it appears the wireless specific back hauls might not always be as optimum as they otherwise might be.