Qutest, Hugo TT2, Mscaler

Or listen to someone’s phone ringing!

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Hey - either you’ve set your SL2s up better than I have, or the Nait is better than my amps, or I just need to turn the volume up a bit louder…? :smile:

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I’m gobsmacked by how good the Nait 2 and SL2 pairing is but this is for another thread :grin:

Back on thread at some stage I think I will try an Mscaler into my Qutest hopefully Fanthorpes will have one in I can home demo.

I wonder why that is?

Do have original x-overs in yours?

Has your Nait been serviced lately?

(sorry, thread drift…)

SL2s are completely standard and the Nait 2 had a full service at Class A a few months back. To be fair Jim the Nait 2 has suppressed the need to unpack my main rig and sleepless nights on what to do next.

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If two people hear differently with identical gear it could be due to their ears, their brain, the effect of the room, any difference in mastering between copies* and in the case of vinyl the quality of the pressing and the degree of any wear or surface contamination.

*I have come across two CDs of the same music sounding distinctly different, the only clue to a possible cause being one made in Germany the other UK - most likely explanation is different mastering, but nothing to give that away apart from the place of manufacture. With LP comparison of the matrix marks may enable confirmation as to whether they are from the same production, and if not the possibility of mastering differences is not ruled out.

Back on the subject of Mscaler/TT2…Nick has confirmed he is shipping my Wave BNC cables out on Monday morning.:+1:t6:

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Could we possibly see a near future where there isn’t a Naim box in your system?

Anything is possible.

You do realise that the experimental mode is purely for the usb output of the Zen Mini it is not for network playback at all and had zero impact on this. If your hearing difference it’s the difference between Roon Bridge and Squeezelite on that flavour of Os or the Zen mini as its solely being used as music system and not general purpose like your NuC was so is less noisy.

Are you getting the Etude at the same time as the Dave?

I was looking at the Etude when I first got the TT2… if it wasn’t enough to drive my PMC speakers.

Not sure if I would benefit from one… other than a stepping stone towards a Dave in the future… given the TT2 does drive the speakers very well.

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Yes listening to the Etude now with DAVE. It’s rather good…


Excellent… when the time comes, and that won’t be for a quite a while, I guess I’ll have to consider the following

M Scaler - Dave - Etude - PMC 25.22
Dave - Etude - PMC 25.22
Dave - Active Speakers something like PMC Two.Two. 6/8

Other than best sound quality, keeping the footprint small would be an important factor as I’d like it to remain transportable like my TT2 and MScaler.

Of course, by the time I get round to this, a Dave 2 will probably be out with extra power and remove the need for Etude anyway😂

how does it compare to Dave into your 552/250.2…

It’s different that’s for sure… it’s a clean and more dynamic sound with lovely bass grip and presence, with vocals sounding rather smooth yet intimate… piano is fantastic … that’s possibly down to more comparing with the 250.2… listening to Sam Smith’s new album… and I have an approving nod from Mrs SinS.

Oh yes using my Naim Powerlines… I have found the DAVE seems to like them.

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that sounds very promising - for the etude…

I have a power line on the Etude but not the Dave, may be worth investing in another. I’m loving the combo so far, it’s a joy going back to recordings that I knew could be better.

It is rather musically flowing isn’t it… quite curious as to why…

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I agree it is, as to why is usually your department :smile:

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Your views on this are possibly the most significant one for me ever on the forum. It’s truly an epic comparison for me

Let the best amp win !

My wager though is still is that the naim will stay in your home