Roon Database

Just coming back to the database issue. I have just checked and out of 5500 albums on my server, Roon has not been able to identify 50 of them. Pretty good going in my book. However when I rip I do ensure a full set of meta data, including artist and album artist. I use dbpoweramp for ripping and mp3tag for metadata completion. It really does not take too long. Sometimes Roon does not identify the album initially but you can edit and do a check where a number of options are given. More often than not the album is there. Needless to say I am a happy roonie!!

I agree where done on the fly - the problem comes when you have a collection with 100s of albums already ripped or downloaded with poor, missing or inconsistent metadata - as when someone may have ripped an entire collection either before becoming aware of the importance of metadata for many players, or before realising that the metadata onCDs and downloads is often inconsistent or incomplete.

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