Roon Nucleus?

Nucleus owners have been scammed?

Well to use the modern vernacular, let just say its an extremely overpriced bit of kit that can be purchased far cheaper. I changed the word to a better one!

Presumably because you believe it sounds so much better you must have your eye on the 4k Nuc?

I want to highlight the difference between accusations of fraud (the traditional definition of ‘scam’) and simply calling Nucleus a low-value proposition. There is some merit to latter, while proving the former is an enormous lift.

I have taken significant RFI mitigation measures inside of my Nucleus’ case that I would need to rethink to a large degree to apply to any new case. Nor do I need any more CPU power. So, no, I don’t care about the Nucleus Titan or 4K NUC at this point.

I’m also not pretending that solutions like the Antipodes Oladra, Taiko Extreme, Pink Faun Server, Grimm MU-X don’t sound better than a stock Nucleus with an SMPS.

Yes I would agree, in fairness to roon they have never hid whats inside, it was the wrong word to use.

My server resides in the garage, some 15 metres or more from the hifi, I cannot say over the years with the various servers I have had I could reliably tell any difference. One of my end points is a PC running roon rock, its not a server just a player. It works perfectly and thats all I need.

It has a fancy USB card in it, with its own linear power supply. I could not reliably tell you if that makes a difference, but it makes me feel better I guess.

To be totally honest 90% of my listening at the moment is roon into a wiim amp into nSats.

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I will be the first to admit that many standard-tier Roon Core/Server solutions sound functionally identical. But, other solutions have displayed differences (not even necessarily improvements) that were readily audible to me.

My RFI mitigation measures have been driven, in part, by a buddy who used to be an engineer for Space-related stuff at Raytheon. Different CPU’s/motherboards/cases interact differently to RFI contamination (and also to EMC/EMI issues). Managing all these emissions is a significant part of the big picture in my experience.

But, I first Ran RoonCore on my Synology DS1520+ and, though less than optimal for my use case, Roon certainly worked “fine” and it’s what drove me to search for a N+. I know many use NAS’s and are happy with the performance they are getting.

surely the guts can be replaced with another nuc if it dies?

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Providing you can get the new motherboard mounting holes to line up, I’d guess you’d be off and running, and, if not, there’s always double sided tape :smirk:.


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