Rugby internationals

They probably paid a million to get AI to suggest that.

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It certainly doesn’t do much for me - looks like an American news/sports channel logo.

Is it intended to indicate/hint at ‘MEN’ I wonder?

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I thought that was a joke. Looks blurry and very US 'esk.

There should be a special circle of hell for PR and branding consultants. And whoever came up with the RFU’s long term incentive plan.

Ummm…I used to be a brand manager :joy:

My son was supposed to move from the social media marketing into brand management at his company, which was desperately looking to expand sales reach, which is all fine. Where I really get annoyed is where rebranding combined with PR double speak is used to create something grotesque. The jury still out on the new Jaguar brand but has not been good so far. A charity I support seems to have spent donations rebranding for no perceived value and associated local organisations will be spending their donations on compulsory rebranding causing a great deal of angst. The PR release that justified it was like trying to out a fire out with kerosene.

Cannot see any of the 6N exercise making it any better for players or spectators. Maybe the precursor to selling the TV rights to a subscription channel.

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I was speaking with a fellow ex-marketer Jag nutter today and he’s very upset with the re-brand. I completely understood his view but from a business pespective Jag has stopped production and will re-start as a fully electric manufacturer. They expect low sales from their existing base, who weren’t buying anyway, so I imagine they care little for sentimentality when £M’s or £B’s are at risk.

There was some kudos (not sure if that’s then right word!) with being a communications specialist. Often very senior mgmt just love get involved in artistic or technical matters where they have no expertise. I’ve seen many interesting brand “choices” because the Director has been away to lunch with the agency. Many a wasted £££ with little recourse.

All fun and games!

Well look how much flak Naim took by changing a little bulb from green to white……


God yes just imagine if they changed their logo too. This place would go ballistic.


Sounds trivial but the green was subtle/subdued, I’m not keen on white but Linn’s blue LED on the Radikal drives me potty.

Not long to go now …


I admired Wales’ defence but they lacked the muscle to cross the line; so I’m not despondent at the loss to France.
Enjoyed the Scotland - Italy game, and Ireland - England looks very entertaining.
Great start the campaign from a neutral’s perspective.

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Wales can’t be faulted for effort but not much inspiration. French a different class

At halftime delighted to see England appear to have a functioning defensive system, for the first time in a while. Hallelujah!

Not the highest quality but an intense match.


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Fear that Ireland will come roaring out of the traps second-half.

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But England are looking very good

You weren’t wrong!

Probably a fair score in the end. Couple of very poor defensive decisions sealed it.

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England unable to maintain control and discipline under pressure. Ireland deserved the win and I expect will improve. Can England progress though, as an attacking force in particular? France next week won’t make that easy!

Great to have the 6nations back. Good also that the three matches weren’t ruined by cards.


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Has anyone had a worse starter debut than Murley? Just awful, should never wear a red rose again…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

France and Ireland are the teams to beat and both will be stronger. For England and Scotland the challenge will be to use home advantage to try to knock them back. Have England got an 80 minute performance though? On Saturday’s evidence no but as ever we hope. Italy will see Wales as an opportunity to continue their evolution and who is to say they won’t - they have the self belief.

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