SACD and Bluray hi-res audio

MJ Thriller SACD stereo playing right now on my 751BD.
So many new sounds that you never hear if you play flacs.


I received the Bluray of the 50th anniversary edition of DSOTM the other day for a shoot out against the same issue on SACD. Certainly, both of these are quite excellent in my system, well ahead of local hi-res streaming or records. The sound is astonishingly good really and quite a revelation for source material given there limited availability as formats for most music that is produced.

My shoot out verdict is that the SACD of this recording has the edge - a bit more open with more “pop” and dynamics. But really, either format is just amazing. It’s a real pity that there is such limited SACD available, but there is a good number of new material coming out in hi-res stereo mixies on Bluray. These formats will be my first choice now for my favourite albums.

For audio SACD is also a bit easier for using as you don’t need the TV screen on to select the audio format and start play.


Thanks for sharing your shoot out findings.
Sources I use to buy Music Bluray discs is ebay (search for Pure Audio Bluray) and Discogs (search for High Fidelity Pure Audio, they have about 200 listed), however prices on both of these sites can be very expensive, with sometimes excessive international postal charges, so be cautious.
Other sources are Warner Music Australia website and The SDE Shop in London (google them) who regularly release new limited release Bluray discs, both these sites have fair and reasonable prices.
In addition to these, occasionally now artists/record companies are releasing Hi-Res Bluray discs, but nowhere near what used to be released a few years ago - recent releases are Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton at reasonable costs.
Ive been collecting Hi-Res Bluray discs for about 8 years now and have over 150 now, but some now are being advertised for very silly money.
Good luck with sourcing Bluray (and SACD) discs, I think they are great sound quality and better than Hi-Res streaming on Tidal which Ive used for the last 5 years (originally MQA and now FLAC).


Just picked up this beauty second hand, the SACD remaster :sunglasses::+1::boom:

Originally recorded in 48 track analogue on LP a few years before CDs came out. I have the original record, so will a good comparison.


LoL. I just looked up my old CD copy. Yep, it’s the SACD as well. Now I have two. But gosh, it’s a delight.


It’s a good ‘un, especially in full 5.1. The ‘dramatic’ sections have the actors all around me the room.

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I did the same last year!

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I’m on a roll now, just got these delivered today. Just played the Alan Parsons SACD - superb, really just a high end analogue play back. Will also grab the Boston debut and Parsons “I Robot” as DSD downloads from Qobuz to see how they go. Will need a $ break then.


Roxy Music’s Avalon is being released in Dolby Atmos as part of the Surround Sound series exclusively on the SDE website. Really tempted by this.

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The Pineapple Thief’s “It Leads to This” on Bluray audio has been an interesting comparison, as I have this on LP and as a hi-res WAV download. The Bluray is certainly the best in my system for clarity, detail and dynamic range. There is a review of the various digital formats on the the Audio Science Review web site, that shows that the Bluray has a much better dynamic range, with the online and download version compressed - seems odd, but my listening comparisons indicate that this is the case. The LP sounds better to me than the hi-res WAV, which is unusual for a new recording - not sure that reflects the digital version or the firmware issue on the ND555.

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Anyone tried these on Bluray audio? I’ve “The Eye in the Sky” on SACD and will try the DSD download from Qobuz for “I Robot”.

Ive pre-ordered Avalon.
Its also got the 5.1 from the 2003 SACD release on the disc.
Generally these SDE Shop Pre-Orders sell out pretty quickly, so I would not wait too long if your keen.

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Im generalising, but mostly, but not always my Bluray discs sound just that little bit better than streaming Hi-Res from Tidal, was the same when it was MQA and now FLAC.
Maybe the masters of the albums are slightly different or its how online streaming processes and sends the audio file, I dont know but that is what I am finding.
Same for CD quality, the discs are generally just that little bit better than CD streaming from Tidal, probably for the same reasons.
Thats the reason why Im still buying discs of very good albums, not as much as I used too, but still prefer discs for the best sound quality.


That’s what was found with the Pineapple Thief album. In general, for the same resolutions I’m finding PCM best, then WAV, then FLAC - not large differences, but noticeable annd worthwhile for favourite good recordings. All my local rips and hi-res purchases are WAV. I’ll grab a DSD download to compare next.

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DSOTM sounds superb in SACD format. The clarity is great and there are so many more details one hears. Congrats Mike. WYWH will be just as good.


I’ve seen a nice used Marantz SA-11S1 for sale. I’m not sure how reliable an older model is re the laser though? I’d used it direct to the 552 as a digital disc source - SACD and CDs, so utilising the onboard DAC. This would be a second digital disc source along with the CXUHD, which doesn’t have a DAC and outputs to my ND555. The attraction with the Marantz would be a different sounding DAC specially designed for DSD with SACDs.

Maybe they will discount the Marantz SA12SE in NZ and Aus like they did in the UK and possibly the outgoing SA10 which might be better options than a used unit, could be best to wait a little while.

Yes, thanks. I’ve just been reading some discussion forums about how the lasers can fail, and replacements are not available. This model is coming on to 20 years old I think. So probably silly to switch from a perfectly excellent setup with the CXUHD into the ND555. If a heavy discount comes up in the discontinued models, that equation could look different, as you suggest.


I spied that SA-11 too Mike and it looks like an absolute beast of a player.

I may be far too picky but I noticed that the top plate on that one had marks or chips down one edge. That could possibly be becuase the cover has been off and placed somewhere (perhaps for a while) where the bottom edge could be chipped. I might be absolutely and completely wrong of course!

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Yes, I saw those marks as well. With the age, the possibility of the laser failing and it being unrepairable would be a concern. But is does look like a mighty player. A discounted new discontinued model would be better - but then the Magnetar becomes an attractive alternative as that has Bluray 4K video and hi-res Bluray audio as well.