Sanity check

The Nait 50 arrived last week and I am increasingly taken with it. Assuming that state of affairs remains then the SN3 and HiCap will be moved on. The rest of the system is NDX2/XPS DR, LP12 and Unity Core as the sources (the NDX2 gets most use) and Graham LS5/9 speakers.

I run the NDX2 wirelessly (have experimented with various cables and switches but find wireless just as good and more convenient), NACA5 (or I also have Witch Hat Phantom cables available which are currently on the Nova), and a Witch Hat Morgana interconnect. Powerlines virtually throughout.

So sell the SN3/HiCap and put the money into the bank whilst banishing any thoughts of speaker changes.

It then occurred to me that, if I sell the SN3 and HiCap, I could also dispose of the XPS DR and put the proceeds towards a s/h 555PS for the NDX2 for little cost. A friend tells me it is brilliant. I am hoping to persuade him to let me try it on my system.

Money better in the bank or a 555PS?


If you have a option to demo one for free you could try it then see how you feel when going back to your current power supply then think about it for a few days if it’s worth it to you.

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I would also recommend listening in your system !!

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I’m surprised the Nait 50 is better than a SN3/HC(?)


Why not just sell it all and get a second hand 222/250 then? That’s the best end result for the same money, IMO. Keep the LP12 of course.

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Re having a listen first. Yes I want to and hoping I can bribe my pal to bring his some distance so that I can try it out. But the dealer option is probably out as they are unlikely to have one, even s/h, at a cost I could afford although I will keep my eyes skinned.

Is the Nait 50 better than SN3/HC? Interesting question. In absolute sonic terms I think it is very close. I have heard the SN3 be very slightly better in some areas but so marginal I would not notice if I was not comparing the 2 and even then I was not convinced that I was not just imagining it. But the Nait 50 grabs my attention and makes me stop and really listen. It’s still running in even though it is ex demo (the dealer thought it would need a bit more time as well) and it is improving. I will give it time, there is no hurry and at some point I will put the SN3 back in and see what I think.


I have thought about that but, at the moment anyway, it’s not a route I want to go down. I’m trying to avoid getting into an upgrade loop and the 200 series could lead to doom and despondency with my bank balance. The Nait 50, assuming I stay with it, is a brilliant product with no obvious upgrade route. The 555PS would be as far as I could go with the NDX2 and an ND555 is never going to be affordable for me.

The only other thing I might be tempted to change in due course are the speakers but I am happy with mine at the moment and I can’t face interminable listening trials. One for when we move probably and I have a better listening room hopefully.


Do the math. Your bank balance wouldn’t be affected at all. At least here in the US, keeping the uniti core and LP12, a second hand 222/250 acquisition would leave you with $1-2k in your pocket after selling everything else at current market prices. It’s just a suggestion. That’s the route I would take.

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And then there’s the NPX300 and then the rest of the 300 series and the rot begins. :grin:


Maybe let ndx2 go also and go for nss 333?

Now just stop it :grin: :grin: - that route leads back to the NPX300.

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I’m with you PW42

I have both the Nait 50 and the SN3/HICAPDR

It’s a tricky one but let’s say the SN3 blew up , would I repurchase - probably not , the Nait 50 is that good

So currrntly using Nait 50 for LP12 duties and SN3 for NDX2/XPS2 duties

My dealer uses the Nait 50 with NDX2 , sounds great

Best to try and get you your mate to lend his 555ps I would think

No hurry for me to make any decisions, having said all of that the SN3 is a beautiful sweet spot in all of the Naim range and a real bargain to me

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The 555ps on the NDX2 is a very noticeable upgrade/change. You will hear the difference in a matter of seconds. Much more detail.

You might find a dealer with an ex-Dem one for around ÂŁ4k? You will also need a Burndy.

Shoebox SN5, massive seller.

I will keep my eys open for an ex-demo. I have a Burndy with the XPS DR; I assume they are the same?

I am quite sure they are different. Other will confirm.

Having done a little bit of research, I think they are in fact the same. However the Burndy “belongs” to the XPS so I would have to sell it with that so I will need a new one anyway.

I replaced an xpsdr with 555 dr power supply on my ndx2
Substantial upgrade
Worth it to me
Then when time is right replace ndx2 with nd555
Or just stay at ndx2/555 dr ps……
Source first

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