Set up for Naim Aro on Avid deck

If the Naim level is centred and you than rotate it 90 and 180 degrees does it still show level? Mine never has.


Your cart is relatively heavy and you can use the heavier counterweight for Aro. It gives a better tracking and more authority of the sound.

Be sure, that the turntable is not sending vibrations directly or through the stand to the tonearm base. Torque settings should be optimal, not Linn tight. Same goes for the pillar/bearing assembly.

The Aro is a very clever design. The arm tube has a thin body to fight the standing waves. I would keep the bias weight clean for the same reason. Especially when you are listening at a higher volume.

I found itā€™s tiny specks of dust under the level that does this on mine. Clean both surfaces with very soft brush and then again, then try it. Levelling the whole of the LP12 is much like this. Measure, clean, adjust, measure, turn, clean, repeatā€¦ the whole deck, until youā€™re satisfied that itā€™s as accurate as itā€™s going to be and it sings.

Are you sure that the Aro isnā€™t behaving as an indicator as to movement of the chassis? Itā€™s feasible that motor oscillation, or platter imbalance, is causing the chassis to vibrate and this is being reflected in the behaviour of the Aro.

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, really appreciate it.

The bubble level is ok, Iā€™ve rotated it 180 and changes very little.

Iā€™ve spent hours going through everything. Iā€™ve checked the turntable with a long spirit level across all planes again and found it wasnā€™t level. I had checked all this when setting up initially, so no idea why it was out ā€“ itā€™s a solid 30kg deck and the leg adjusters donā€™t move by themselves.

With the deck now absolutely dead level, I found I could lower the arm height which is now horizontal to platter and get the bullseye level and perfectly centred, more so than before where it was slightly to the right.

After doing all this Iā€™m hearing detail like never before from my records.

The aro is now perfectly still tracking records once settled after a second or two.

The bias weight (with extra blutack) does move continuously and wonder if these vibrations are feeding back, but as I say, sounds incredible and arm, at least visible to my eyes, appears unaffected and still.

Cheers again for all the advice!

Just to confirm that Stroft ABR monofilament fishing line can be sourced in the 0.08 diameter size, if anyone is reworking their Aro bias line. Works a treat !

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