Shelf lock

250 double height Fraim base.
scap/ ndx2 both single height and 252 on top. so four levels.

which sits perfectly apart from the fact that I want to add XPSDR.

how is that best done for presentation? I can’t work it out without five levels which i don’t want.

starter for 10…

split the fraim base and have side by side?

You could have two Fraim stacks:



2 bases and additional four shelves. These would make 2 stacks of three.

think that’s it. two. thanks.

the four box stack was perfect.

but i need the XPSDR! damn it.

You will need another Fraim base if you are going for two stacks. I have two stacks and I like the look of it. It also makes way for a 300 and PS if you ever wanted to change out the 250.

What’s wrong with a stack of 5? I have two stacks of 5 with nothing on top of left stack.


Lingo 1
Non Naim power supply
Supercap 2
Zoneripper NAS

You could go


Just need one shelf that way.

thanks, the Fraim base has two levels together. Can that be split? so four becomes five?

The idea is to keep it a double fraim base. If you split it you will degrade the fraim effects of decoupling. If you did it, which I am sure is possible you would need different spikes for one of the levels.

Hope this makes sense.

The fraim lite is only one shelf, so would become more like that.

wow, that is lovely.

yup, what i thought. xpsdr demo tomorrow. so fraim aside.

many thanks

If you can afford a 2nd fraim base it would be better sounding and look better too. Used examples will be at dealers. I managed to get some used fraim shelves from Tom Tom audio.

If not speak to a dealer and see if they can get the alternative spikes that you need to split the stack.

With a quality system you have I would definitely invest in the 2nd Fraim base.

I started off with one Fraim stack and had my other components on a different hifi rack. I ended up spending around £4000 on the Fraim. And most of it is used. I have two Fraim bases and an additional 8 shelves. Would cost me around £7000 new.

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