Show us your LS3/5a’s

Sound lot better ;- ) mine is 48 - 51 cm (tow in) if measured from front baffle.
Same as you, closer….imaging /soundstage is lost with having a « one note » bass feeling.

PS : I was never lucky enough to keep more than 80 cm from rear wall without taking big risk with people visiting / walking….so was not keen taking such risk.


Exactly same as my own experience with my Grahams.


I’m helping my mate running in this beautiful pair of Stirling Broadcast ls3/5a V3.2. It’s a very delightful job. Yes, they are V3.2 with some new components in the cross over. By the way, I couldn’t differentiate their sound compared to my V3. They sound superb out of the box. The veneer is Rosewood Special. Very lovely.


They look great. Glad to hear that there is no differential between v3 and v3.2.


Thank you. If they were, at least I do not notice though.

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Interesting, I went for a V2 pair Stirling (before they retire)
Likely the very best LS3/5a edition I’ve had so far, not a fan of Harbeth but even Falcon’s are challenged here.
Those mids are truly amazing.
Not a loudspeaker for large symphonies though.

Only issue I have, they really don’t need to fit biwire plugs with degrading jumpers.


Interestingly - my Falcon LS3/5s 2024 LE are now one of my favourite speakers for classical, including symphonic music for the amazing detail, clarity, resolution and realism which especially shines on classical music.

The Falcon measure flat to 65Hz in my room and for classical that does work. Adding a subwoofer ads a bit more ambience and hall but is not absolutely needed for symphony. For movies the sub does help on impact though!


I have no idea about measurement, only judge by hearing.
I love my V2 on chamber, classical and jazz too.
They are sort of a retirement solution to remind me of the stupidity that I sold on my 70s Rogers LS3/5a before the price madness appeared.
These Stirling V2 are likely the best LS3/5a edition I’ve had (never heard Falcons or Stirling V3)
Large works like symphonies and jazz bands, I simply prefer larger loudspeakers.
Its not only a room thing for me.

Anyone tried a Chartwell Sub 6 under their Ls3/5a yet?

Both speakers and speaker cables are new, less than 100hrs. Fun time…:grin:


Are they in Yew veneer? Very nice.


Yes, in Yew finish.


What is the room treatment on the wall, please?

It’s Vicoustic Multifuser DC3.

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Meet the new boss!

Who needs Titan 808s anyway? :joy:

These are truly astonishing little things.


Beautiful wood finish. Enjoy.


Second system or?

Yes, I bought them for a garden room system, but the garden room is still not quite ready, so I plugged them into my 500 system just for fun. I’m now rather reluctant to switch back to the T808s. They are so articulate and fast with the best soundstage, both width and depth, that I have heard. They are giant killers!


Thanks. It’s burr walnut.


I understand. I fell of my chair few weeks back listening to them through Youtube…! The voice. Wow. Must sounds crazy good in real.

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