Show us your pets

We have had Lyra for 2 1/2 weeks now and have let her out for the first time… terrifying

Hope she comes back :hushed::scream:


Sorry to reply to myself…… but thankfully she did come back!


Might get Zhukov a new ball. Current one’s getting a bit threadbare.

Whilst it doesn’t seem to bother him it’s rather tricky to throw.



Happiness is… a big stick! Pluto attempting to get it down to a more manageable size.


Boston doing what he does best.



Latest picture of our little girl.



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Such a beautiful pup. :sparkling_heart:

We are cat people (well my wife is the real animal lover).

Our cat does not enjoy being taken for walks so for the past 3 years my wife has been a registered dog walker &, twice a week, we have taken Dora (a border terrier) for a walk for her owner who has health problems.

We have become very attached to her (Dora, not her owner). Not surprised my wife has but am surprised that I have. Unfortunately, her owner is moving in August from Cornwall to Brighton & we will find it very difficult to say goodbye.

Today we took her for a long walk & a bit of a picnic to Trewithen, a large country estate & garden just outside Truro.

Here she is:-


That’s such a beautiful pup, makes me miss not having dog. :cry:


She sure is a cutie, thanks.

The interloper…

Recently managed to feed this feral tom a couple of times, and as a result he’s becoming more relaxed around the garden. Sometime this summer i will trap the blighter, and it will be off to the vets, …or should that be they will come off at the vets? :peanuts:


A month on … downy breast feathers, but still bare on back and rump. But they are getting the hang of the garden, although they have not found the rotting wood yet.

Nearly finished the meal so will be on pellets from next week along with cracked maize and wheat berries.


This is Audrey who celebrated her 18th birthday on 28 April.

It is incredible spinning through this thread at how much change, new arrivals and sad farewells, so many on the forum have experienced over the past year.



I reported earlier on my adoption by a stray young lady.
I feed her as she is always hungry.

I had cooked a small beef brisket joint for my dinner and a sandwich next day.
Frozen mash microwaved,broccoli and carrots ready,gravy go;now where did I put the meat.
Madam had popped in and up onto the work top. The protein for my meal was being tugged down the garden.:rofl:


:laughing: :laughing:

Our Freckles (tortie Burmese) had a liking for Jerk Chicken and pizza, which she would steal from plates while we were out of the room clearing up after dinner. (This is despite being so well fed, that she was putting on weight!)


If you haven’t tried already (?), is she friendly enough that you can put a paper collar on here with your details (see the CPL website), in case she already has a home?

Looks like she already has a collar :slight_smile:

So having had dinner at Nick’s, does she go next door for dessert?

Many years ago, before we had our own cats, we would arrive home from work to find a black & white cat sat outside the front door. She would come into the house for a look around, graciously accept a small bowl of milk, or a few cat treats, and then trot off to another house just down the road, and repeat the exercise :slight_smile:

We know where she lives. A couple of roads behind the avenue.But they seem to lock her out during the day.
Probably to keep their evening meal secure.
She has always been peripatetic (nice one) and plies several elderly gentlemen, up and down the quiet avenue,with her charms.
Attendance seems to be on the basis of food taste and Dreamies supply.
I purchased some less than premium cat food the other day. Not impressed.
She didn’t actually say ‘’ Anymore of that and I am off’’ but I got the message.