He’s bounced back so well, 2 days of feeling sorry for himself then bingo “let’s play”. Blue cattle dogs are pretty stoic they’re generally a tough working dogs. We’ve been accused of turning them into blue cattle cats by spoiling them.
Not my picture but I had a friend visit yesterday with his puppy, one of these.
Lovely sweet and soppy dog but when my friend asked where he should sit, I said “anywhere he likes”.
If we’re on the subject of boxes, had someone’s gift in a box, in the hall that someone took a liking too. When the gift was eventually given, felt bad we took someone’s favourite box, so it has to come back home……
And when a box isn’t in sight……
And of course some renovation help….
Is someone still under the floor?
No, but she wasn’t happy when I pulled her out
I literally left the room for less the 2min & that is what I came back too, as I did below, & yes the test board she is sitting on is barely sitting in place
Sakli sat with me listening to some tunes last night. Not sure he is a big fan of the TT, I think the streamer is preferred, pesky humans getting up to change records is so last millennium. He does like strokes though and shortly after taking this photo I got his brush out to remove excess fur.
This was your best chance for an empirical Schrödinger experiment.
Meine Coon? He’s gorgeous btw