Show us your turntable

Thanks, I’ve found them on-line in NZ, perfect.

Do you use it with the platter spinning?

Just tilt on the leading edge then turn “ gently flick in the direction of arrow don’t drag off to the side edge of the record it’s just tilt down tilt up and off.
It sounds more complicated than it is.
Best use in left hand you can see the arrow on the broom.
No line on record and no dragged dirt off to the side. :+1:t2:


I strongly recommend you the Humminguru ultrasonic. Around 400 dollars. Very easy to clean and it dries too. Very effective.
See the thread.


Very much enjoying my MG-1/Hana ML


Hahah, I had the same. I just deleted my reply when I found I had already made the exact recommendation in it.


When you’ve been on the forum as long as we have you find yourself repeating yourself.

Or worse. Contradicting yourself :rofl:


But rarely, or at least hopefully, not in reply to the very same post :wink:

oh wow. Blast from the past! :flushed:


I never use anything else. :+1:t2:

I’m learning, slowly….Since I posted I did try another AT Carbon Fibre Brush but had the same problem, I would use the Zero Stat gun that removed the static then applied the brush and the static would return.

If I now have a record with static problems I run it through the Humminguru again as sometimes once is not enough. So now I don’t use anything only the Linn green paper after every 3-4 records.

I’ll check out this other brush as it be useful for the occasional clean.:sponge:

I would suggest (as I had done previously) perhaps trying the Ortofon one, which I’ve found better than any other I’ve tried. Otherwise there’s the Analog Relax one from Japan, that is well regarded, but I haven’t used it myself.

This doesn’t make static worse, though it doesn’t eliminate it completely. I use it with just the pressure of its own weight and always the same way round before playing a side.

When I started using an SPU Royal at 3g VTF I could feel static pulling back when I lifted a record off my acrylic platter and the record would attract any dust nearby, brushing after playing didn’t remove it even if I was earthed but three drops of Tergicleen to a tank of distilled water in my Degritter seems to keep static at bay. I use antistatic sleeves too.



I wonder if you would consider asking Richard for my eMail address and sending me an eMail
I have a question I would like to put to you outwith the forum
Thank you if you consider doing this

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Please send me Ian’s e-mail address. Thank you.

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Wrong Richard!

If it was my turntable with the two arms, then I just might… Alas, it isn’t mine I’m afraid and that photo was just for illustrative purposes.

On the couple of occasions I’ve heard the Kuzma R only one tonearm was ever fitted, but that didn’t disappoint! A fabulous sounding record player.

This subthread re the old LP12 petered out…but count me in the pro-Karousel camp. Hard to separate from other improvements, but the advance of my original 1980 through several iterations, latest being a Cirkus/Hercules>Karousel/Lingo 2 was a serious step up…and then the ART9-xi really capped it off.

Still sounds like an old schoolish vivacious system, while at the same time having a modern low sound floor and detail…pretty sweet…NHOP’s various albums never sounded better…



How it sounds ?
What did you have previously ?
I have it in my head as future replacement of a 2M blue on my Pro-ject X2…