Show us your turntable

Hi n-lot, A while back i had a bit of trouble with my LP12 picking up vibration from my wooden floor transferring through the rack. So I tried a few ideas until i got it right. These chopping blocks are supposed to be made from bamboo. The idea is that you put the two grooved sides together and use the balls in the groves. I found that the minimum amount I could get away with was 4 balls, placed centrally, N.S.E.W. There is a tiny movement between one board and the other with this alignment which acts like a spring always wanting to go back to the square. It will not allow the boards to roll away from each other. It did not help my vibration issue, so I used a wall fitting instead and now my LP12 is a very happy TT. Iā€™ll post a pic of my new wall mount setup soon. :slight_smile:

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Still using my RP6/Ortofon Bronze when I listen to the occasional record. Pic is from a previous place when I had a nicer backdrop.


Does this count? Or should it go in the Olive section too?
Iā€™ll call it low light to be generous.


Gorgeous photo!

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Your turntable has a nice view out the window.

Very artistic.

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Yep, a nice view of the North Downs leftish, or the English Channel rightish. On a good day and with a bit of imagination!
The 25 is getting on a bit now, 23 years old.

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Thanks Yeti Iā€™m confident I can achieve the correct VTA without the need of a tool but wasnā€™t aware that the SmartTrator didnā€™t do VTA but my main reason for borrowing it is to get the cartridge and tonearm aligned properly if the SmartStylus is included I will of course include a write up.

No no experience with Dr Freickert but will do a right up on the ST. I know that
Pro-ject also do the Align-it but have not tried this either.

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Lucky, lucky man.

How do you find the turntable, I love the thought and simplicity of it, must admit Iā€™d seriously think off one if I was to get rid off the rega p6

@Arnsider yeah, as @alan33 has already posted, itā€™s the Besta unit.

Cheers, Rack.


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Did you mean the Clearaudio Concept or the Well-Tempered Amadeus GTA? If you meant the latter, it appears Pear Audio in Alnmouth is a dealer. The nice thing is the newer GTAs have the Symmetrix tonearm, which is quite nice; and cosmetically it does look quite a bit better. Itā€™s about the simplest design, for certain. Quite elegant in fact. The sound it produces is the best Iā€™ve heard/owned in a turntable. William Firebaugh is a genius for coming up with the design. It takes some time and effort to set it up, but once you have it dialed-in itā€™s a set-it-and-forget-it 'table. Iā€™m guessing it would be quite a step up from the P6, but admittedly Iā€™ve never owned one, so I could just be talking out of my behind.

Hi yes it was the well-tempered
Yep I can imagine it will trounce the p6 to be honest, Iā€™ve heard one canā€™t remember which one but it was very different in sound I canā€™t think off the words to describe it apart from a more solid open sound
Must admit I was mesmerised by the fishing line holding the tone arm up at the time and the way it worked, it looks like it should fall to bits at any point but doesnā€™t :blush:

Youā€™ve pretty-much nailed it on all accounts. It does have a very solid sound to it. The soundstage is quite expansive, too. It keeps pace of every recording like all get out. A very fun deck. Highly recommended. Iā€™ve owned three and have come back to Well-Tempered TTs in some form or another. The GTA is my favorite, likely because of the plinth. Itā€™s a heavy beast.

I have quite bought a Well tempered reference 15 years ago. Was ex demo at a dealer shop. I liked the look of it and reviews were very good.
But finally got an ex demo SME 20/2 at that time.
Some years after Well tempered design changed a lot. Not to my taste.
Only meā€¦

That was a nice one as well (the Reference). However, I see why you went for the SME 20/2. Thatā€™s a heck of a 'table. I love SME products. Exceptional tonearms.

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I miss it a bit. Was so exceptional to see. My Rp10 looks more like a Fisher Price toyšŸ˜†. But love its simplicity and fast sound.
The SME is not the most involving deck. But so class and easy going.


Gorgeous !
MArco :cowboy_hat_face:

Love this. :ok_hand:t5::+1:t5: