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I’ve had a few encounters with the Versalex and the 400 Royal took up residence with my local dealer for a while, he didn’t rate the 254GT for some reason but I never got to hear that one. The Versalex seemed to have a taste for expensive cartridges, or maybe it was because the XV1t was on it the first time I heard the deck and it left an impression. I tried one at home with an XX2 mk2 and my Transfiguration but not for long enough to be convinced. The marginal fit on a Fraim lite shelf put me off a bit too.
The 400 put it firmly in its place but it’s even harder to accommodate, and that arm looks very vulnerable.
I think Pear audio is the importer.

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I wonder how the Versalex compares with the Opera audio deck. Both are made in China.


One more of the Rega, for Badlyread. :wink:


Not familiar with the Versalex. Funny, but I think I remember Firebaugh saying it was his favorite among all his designs for whatever reason. The Amadeus in all its iterations isn’t very fussy about cart choices, but can easily live at home with a $5,000 cart. I also had an original XX2 MKI, then an XX2 MKII, a Lyra Delos, then Transfiguration Phoenix—all very well represented in their own way on the deck. That’s the thing. The Amadeus just plays what it’s given. It’s very true to what’s mounted, IMO. It is, though, a very largish TT; bigger than many out there. It didn’t fit as well as I’d have liked on my Isoblue rack, so I built a wall shelf out of a 3" Butcher Block Acoustics maple slab to accomodate it and my phono preamp. Anyway, it’s one of my faves.

I think Opera is getting the respect it deserves, regardless of both being manufactured in China. I believe most buying the Well-Tempered decks know this going in, and they (Opera) have remained extremely consistent with their quality over the years to warrant it. That pic reminds me a lot of the
Pro-Ject RM-10.1 I used to own, sans vibration control shelf that comes with that model (though the Pro-Ject has a different arm altogether, it being carbon among other things…). I’m guessing the quality is on-par with the Well-Tempered; no idea what it’s comparative strengths/weaknesses are. Nice looking, regardless.

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Looking at the arm there’s enough similarity that the could come from the same factory, look at the headshell end of the arm. I might even have read somewhere that they are.
Here’s the 400 since we’re at the level of internet porn now.


How does that deck sound? Those Tiger paw components just look stunning, normally I would say I think that fluted LP12s are the best lookers by a country mile but yours is a clear exception, gorgeous, I keep coming back to look at it. If it sounds anywhere near as good as it looks it must be a belter!

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Thanks Colin. The deck, for both me and my dealer, sounds superb. It was the first time he’d (David from the Sound Org) fitted the Javelin so Roger went along and they both did it. I’m sure I was in the first half dozen or so to purchase it.
It’s just such a pity Roger seems out of the game at the moment, I do hope he’s ok.
p.s. I also love the original fluted designs and had an early afromosia one years ago.


Having listened some more, it’s a definite step up from the PE.

As mentioned before, at least with the different carts. I will probably at some point try the 2M Bronze on the Technics as I’m not using the stock headshell. But for the time being I want to keep it on the PE.

Thanks fo all the detailed info, much appreciated :+1:
Also to @RackKit

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That is the same arm, for certain. It’s a Symmetrix LTD mentioned earlier, just a longer version from their 10.5" fitted on most WT 'tables. That is a wonderful 'table as well.

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It’s what I thought, they look very similar.

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Unfortunately that’s never going to happen.

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The SmarTractor is on it’s way hopefully will be here Monday. I know it may seem a bit of overkill using a £500 protractor to set up a cartridge on a fixed head shell Rega arm but in my experience cartridge alignment can make a big difference.

I put the spacer under the arm today which was a very easy process though I’ll not be able to comment on any improvements until I get the cartridge aligned properly.

As I stated earlier the Rega protractor is off centre and so getting the head shell and cartridge both aligned within the supplied protractor is impossible.

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Please take pics and a write up on doing the cartridge if that’s OK
I’ve never done a cartridge and looking into it

OK will do.
Though I’m a novice myself using an alignment tool like this usually it’s just a protractor printed off of Vinyl Engine.

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Great photo… but those boots weren’t made for walkin’ :wink:

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Nicer picture of what I still think is one of the best looking tables on the market:


Very nice set up. Save the cash and put it into music collection or equipment like your lovely LP12. :wink:

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Thanks David. Even though I needed to modify it, I agree, the IKEA Besta unit is a bargain and looks the part too.

Cheers, Rack. :+1:t5:

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