Show us your turntable

My vote for the ugliest. And it costs 180 k dollars. Incredible!
Audio Consulting:


Agree with latter words HH. I want a TT to look like it was designed to spin an LP, not something (as FR has posted above) which suggests form over function.

…and it depends on what finish you’ve ordered on the Ercol? :grinning:

It’s in a wood finish called ‘light’. I like the painted finishes but they are less flexible.

In the case of Torqueo, the form serves the sound. It’s not only for being shiny. The big mass and little form gives a very good isolation from vibrations.
We are not in Linn or REGA level here. I had an SME 20 before, the bass is in another league, as the absence of noise and total control.

FR - I’m sure the Torqueo is designed with function as the priority, hence my use of the word ‘suggest’ around form over function.

But I’d rather have an SME compared to it and, I suspect, an SME20/3A would out-perform a Torqueo for rather less?

Not sure it would outperform the SME. The Torqueo is a direct drive and made to high specs. But have not heard the Torqueo…Maybe you would be right…

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.


Crikey, that looks like a modern knock off of the classic Rek-o-Kut idler system!


It looks like it’s idler drive, not direct, as @NAC72 also pointed out.

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FR, where you find all these odd turntables?

Your Google must be set to ‘bizarro’ mode! :wink:


I wouldn’t call it ugly, odd and very impracticable maybe, certainly the most bizarre I’ve ever seen

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Hi Fra, where can you buy the symposiums plate that you have under the turntable? Site and price?

So it’s idler , not direct drive?

Andrea, it’s not mine. See the discussion above, we were talking about the nice looking turntables.
As for symposium, one dealer in France was selling them. I guess it’s not difficult to find.
A quick google search and I found “ acoustic sounds” and “cable company “ selling them.
You have also HRS.

It must have a special stand as big as a table for 6 persons. Impracticable, yes.

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Yes, it’s a modern interpretation of the Rek-o-Kut idler design.

You responded to Andrea…but i got my response, thanks. Is there a lot of difference between direct drive or idler drive?

Idler drive uses a highish speed motor (1500RPM for 4 pole on 50Hz) coupled to the platter by a rubber idler. In a modern direct drive turntable the motor coils are coupled directly to the platter and the motor turns at 33.3 (or whatever) RPM. This is only possible because the motor is electronically controlled.

Note there were also ‘direct drive’ turntables back in the day such as the Thorens E53, however these used a mechanical governor, gearbox and high speed motor.

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Does the p8 have a extra layer off glass on the plater from the p6 it look thicker

It’s a three layer construction and much thicker than that of the 6. Most of the weight is at the edges for increased flywheel effect and better speed stability.

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