Show us your turntable

Oooh I wish but no, the mg-1

I often confound the 2. Yes, the Mg1, the second one. :+1:

Itā€™s in the most recently bought gear thread. But not really at the level of showing off turntables like in this thread.

I think it looks quite good actually. Better than most in that price bracket.

And, if you want to boast, few if any here will have an SAEC tonearm.

What do you prefer, the vintage Luxman one, long one, or the new recent one?


Honestly the new Luxman turntables look great to me. And from what Iā€™ve read, they have truly incredible performance. Though even the PD-171 up top is already discontinued. That has been Luxmanā€™s m.o. though. Every bit of kit is a limited edition with a predetermined production run.

The thing is, Iā€™m not really into vinyl for main music so couldnā€™t justify the cost. For me, itā€™s all about pulling out kitsch discs second hand for a laugh. Up to now, any turntable low cost enough for me to buy would have been totally shown up by the 282/SC and Iā€™d need a phono stage too (the built in one on the TEAC is rubbish - the assumption is you leave it off). But now Iā€™ve got a little Luxman integrated with a decent built in phono stage, the TEAC is just the right price-performance point. In Japan a new TN-4D costs the same as an RP1. Iā€™ll probably even use the cartridge that comes with it. The most Iā€™ll do is replace the external 24v DC power supply with a better one.


Whatā€™s the purpose of the upright bar left front on that vintage Luxman?

Itā€™s a stylus light.

The purpose: taste of Luxman turntable style, in an all Feeling Zen Luxman system.

You wonā€˜t be disappointed!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

iā€™ve chosen the Mystic, tried it with my Musical Fidelity M6 vinyl, but that was not the real thing, hooked up a Dynavector P75 MK IV and drove the cart in pe mode, then the sun begun to shine.

Rest of the system:

AVM A 8.3
Focal Kanta No.2
Naim NDX2

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Hehe. Iā€™d love to believe thatā€™s true. But in reality it is a TEAC made tonearm designed by SAEC for entry level turntables.

Iā€™m sure it is pretty good but put side by side with a SAEC made arm and suddenly the difference in build and complexity is obvious. Their current tonearm is well over $10K. Which is a bit rich for someone who just wants to pop on the greatest hits of William Shatner for a laugh.

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Sssst. Donā€™t tell anyone!

But in all seriousness, I would assume SAEC know how to design a tonearm. Plenty in that price bracket have a tonearm of unknown design/origin (in-house?). Execution is of course relevant, but it starts with a good design. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s better than a few others out there.

Do let us know how you get on with it, and if you can compare it to anything similarly priced.

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A turntable has two functions, to sound good and to look good - after all it sits on the pinnacle of the system

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Unless you have a tube amp with alk the bits hanging out. That tends to steal the limelight.


You must be kidding. Shatnerā€™s rendition of ā€˜Common Peopleā€™ is a work of genius!

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Ahh yup. That particular album is actually pure gold and makes it into the music category.

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I read on PFM that Roger has been ill for some time hence his lack of presence. Beyond that I donā€™t know but I hope he gets better soon if itā€™s possible.

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This one is pretty sexy!

As is his version of Rocket Man (rather appropriate, donā€™t you think?) recorded with Steve Hillage.

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