Show us your turntable

I wonder how they can sell that for 180 k. Incredible.

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How many have they sold? One? More? Less?

I’d kind of be surprised if it was over five, probably much less.

I wonder how you find and know about these weird bits of HiFi. :thinking:

Anyway, back to the thread title…

Looks like a fairly basic Clearaudio arm, possibly looks a lot better in the flesh?

It would need a helluva lot of space , but I imagine be very, very solid.

Just happens to look very, very ridiculous too.

Sorry, it’s just not for me.

  • Two arms can be mounted to the turntable and can be used at the same time.

How does that work then? :thinking:


…presumably you can play LP’s backwards and find out what the Beatles were saying in their secret messaging :+1:


I found another one for you :joy::joy::joy:


Is that a car battery in the background?

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The power supply of the tt. Strong WAF you think?

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I’m tempted to dig out the picture of the Simon again :slight_smile:

How many different kind of feet did they stack on top of each other?

I also like the horns in the background, together with the TT and its battery the WAF must be through the roof, they will have to fight off wives with a broomstick and pitch fork.


I like the last sentence , “ fight off wives…with a broomstick…”

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The second monstrosity (please forgive my personal feelings) - the one that looks like an electric version of a Chinese pancake steamer - appears to have a wooden tonearm, doesn’t it? That’s novel.

Agree, it looks a little like a turntable, but worse. Much worse.

I agree, it’s a monstrosity. Was fun to share, for curiosity.

It might make an interesting table for a 50s style diner; instead of a juke box remote at one end, it has a turntable in the middle!

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It looks like a flying saucer, they must pretend the designer was directly inspired by an advanced Alien civilization (some people believe in weirder theories than that)



In all friendliness, maybe it’s time to revert back to the theme of the thread - show us your turntable - and instead start another thread for showing the amusing monstrosities that also exist. Here are some pictures of mine (turntable, not monstrosity).


Not monstrosity, I agree. But interesting to see another lp12 or rega …? Not sure.