Sleep timer

I’m probably late to noticing this but I’m glad that the App 7.0.1 has a sleep timer. Thank you Naim as I don’t have to rely on Roon anymore.

However, I notice that its presence is intermittent on my iPhone but consistent on my iPad. Perhaps a glitch? @Stevesky

Interesting. I have ‘lost’ the sleep timer in App 7.1 after updating the app and firmware. If it is still in the app, I have been unable to find it. Hopefully it returns as I have been using it regularly.

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On the updated (last week) Andriod app it is part of settings for my Qb2:

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Well it appears that my equipment does not have this functionality, which is a pity.

Hasn’t been acknowledged by Naim as yet, but seems to be a bug/issue for many, more so on the Qb2 and if you’re a iOS user…
3 or 4 similar threads on the forum now re the issue…
Not sure if it’s the App or the recent firmware or the combination of the two, but definitely an issue re the timers…
I have a Mu-so gen2 that shows Timers and a Qb2 that does not…. :man_shrugging:


Has it been reported to Naim support? Naim don’t review this forum for bugs (although they do post here they don’t use it as a formal feedback channel and posts here are likely to not be seen, if it’s been reported what did support say?

I haven’t personally (spent ages with Support earlier in the year identifying and correcting an issue re the firmware on a Core, so not sure I fancy anymore for a bit…!), but it seems from some of the other threads that a few others have done….
Besides, I’m more than sure they know about it…I’m never quite convinced of this ‘Naim don’t look here and won’t know…’
Just be nice if somebody could pop on and say ‘yeah, we aware, working on it, should be fixed on upcoming update…’
I mean, they can add a flagged missing radio station fairly promptly, so a simple acknowledgment of a bug/missing App function isn’t too much to ask you’d hope and would perhaps save on the numerous posts….


Yes. Mu-so QB sleep timer does not work after updating but Mu-so sleep timer working. How that mistake report to support?

It’s been reported in the beta group, which the Naim guys responsible for the releases do read. I expect it will get fixed quickly.


Weren’t you guys supposed to spot it in the first place…! :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It does depend whether anyone testing at the time happens to have a gen 2 Qb and use the alarm function on the app on an IOS device . We can only test what we come across when we use our own kit in whatever way we use it.

I know, I know…was just teasing David!…:grinning:

I’ve done a lot of work with Ubiquiti over the years, so I know how it goes…

Besides, in the modern day reality of home computing, end users are the real ‘beta testers’ it seems…

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I sent email to support. The ticket number is 208200. I am sure that it will be fixed.

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Or as it’s a discussion forum that they look at in their own time, they make it a policy not to respond to bugs and issues so that people don’t start using it as a way to report bugs. In my days as a software development manager I preferred that issues were raised through the standard route, that way I knew they entered the tracking system and would be monitored and closed off.

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