Hi Guys.
I’ve just received a Snaxo 242 to feed 2 x 500 SL2’s. I thought that I’d check the points and make sure that they are at factory settings. However there doesn’t seem to be any small mark on the dials as I expected. Is the arrow pointing at the waved line the zero gain point? Richard D or someone else familiar will hopefully advise me. The first photo corresponds to HF. The second LF.
Perhaps @Richard.Dane can advise?
I phoned Tom Tom Gazza. They know the previous owner who owns SBLs. I’m told that he hasn’t messed with the settings.
IIRC with the late SNAXOs Naim supplied them un-setup from the factory, so there would be no dots - it would be for the dealer to set them up for the customer. Note that SBLs and SL2s, while very similar, will need slightly different level settings to be optimal.
Right but Tom Tom aren’t going to do that Richard so I have to find solutions. Thanks
Well, you’re going to have some fun then setting them up yourself. Really it’s a case of finding what sounds most “right”, but try to not use them as tone controls, if you get my meaning. My colleague Jason G is the expert here, so maybe worth reaching out to him.
Sounding fantastic with Snaxo at SBL factory settings Richard. I like you and many others truly love these speakers.
I’ve bought a spare pair of the latest version of the tweeters from Willy’s. Based on your recommendations I’ve bought some Crystal 505 solder and the RS 4mm tweeter cable. So I’m prepared for the time when these wonderful original tweeters fail. I wlll look for a pair of Credos to keep for the mid/bass units. Thanks again for your excellent set up guide.
I have active SL2s with 250s, and congratulations, active SL2s are amazing. In my experience, best not to tweak SNAXO too much, very small changes if absolutely necessary.
Thanks Dev. Congrats to you also. I don’t feel any need to adjust the Snaxo. The sound is wonderful! Also the 500’s aren’t in any way wasted or over kill with SL2’s. Passive to active with them is like 552 to S1 was improvement wise
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