Solitude in Music

If you want peace from music i can reccommend the album David Parsons , all original sounds from the Tibetan lands and temples and one of the best ive heard to date.
As an alternative Stellardrone, man of no ego and schiller make some beautiful spacefarer chillout music which can seem eternal.


True also here for those of us who know you Eleanor… :yum:

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great fan of stellardrone


Music for me sometimes represent different prescriptions of feeling or mood inducing experiences. Often when I have my music sessions with my system I quite often undergo different moods such as excitement and meloncholy (often induced with a little alcohol). Some music in Rock give me an instant ‘hit’ while other musivc such a classical music is like I am reading a very interesting book. Arabic music opens up a completely new world of music because of instruments used, the endless inticate rhythms, the different approach to composition and the melody sang by the vocalist and repeated verbatim in instruments (a very popular style in Arabic & some Asian music). Some music bring tears to my eyes and some utter exhiliration (like a live solo by Ritchie Blackmore). Music is my drug …


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