Thinking for while for update my B&W685S2 with some better stendmonut speakers. Have you some recomendations:
MA Gold 100 vs B&W 705S2 vs KEF R300.
If I had to choose between your 3 options I would go for the MA. I dont like BW’s, I find them dull. Can’t comment on the Kef, not heard them.
Saying that, I have Harbeth P3ESR on my Atom and love them. Some say the Atom hasn’t enough power to drive them, thats not my experience, although I guess more power wouldnt hurt.
If you want to go larger then the next size up Harbeth 30 would be good.
First time from Naim diler I listen Atom with Kef R300, it was nice. When Corona carantin finished I will try Atom with BW and MA. B&W is my favorite, but just on picrures
I like Herberth sound, but is preaty expencive compare with previous 3 speakers.
In meantime I like to hear your oppiniouns.
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