Speaker placement frustration

Hi @Marty_SF

The effects of Bi-wiring are the same for New Classic as it was for Classic. This is because both have the same output impedance.

Naim has not recommended bi-wiring but it does not harm. If you like it, then great. It will vary with amplifier, speaker, cable type and length.

Naim speakers were designed to have an identical input signals and input signal timing at the input of the HF and LF parts of the crossover. Bi-wiring would change this as the cable has resistance and inductance and the LF and HF crossovers have different input impedances. The LF and HF inputs would then have different signals. This is why Julian and Roy George never had bi-wire terminals on their speaker designs. NACA5 is also a strong low impedance cable.

Bi-wiring does improve other aspects of the signal. For example non-linear back EMF or signals impose themselves on the shared cables (non-bi-wire). Meaning distortion from the woofer could come out of the tweeter. Having a bi-wire can minimise this. Bi-amping eliminates this, as does full active.


Thank you @110dB , this is very helpful. I’m actually using NAP350 and currently waiting for a pair of Focal Scala Utopia Evo to arrive, cables are Alpha v2 by Shunyata Research , 2m in length. I recall noticing somewhere that the cables don’t have a significant variance from Naim impedance and inductance recommendations.
I wanted to ask the forum as I know 300 series were demoed with Scala Utopias in a few events, I assume now that it was single wired. My plan is to demo a pair of jumpers with existing cables as an experiment and just wanted to make sure I’m not doing any harm to begin with.

Thank you for the insight on bi-amping as well, I didn’t think that NAC332 would support another pair of NAP350’s or a NAP250, so how would I go about the XLR connections on NAC332 with bi-amping?

Hi @Marty_SF ,

I look forward to hearing how you get on.

RE bi-amping with a 332

  • There are ‘Y-leads’ with one XLR to two XLRs
  • Alternatively use the RCA outputs as well as the XLR outputs. Use with RCA to XLR leads.

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