No, I don’t think you have a mullet system, I’ve had a couple of Nova based systems with Spendor A4, Neat SX1 and PMC Twenty5 23 speakers, nothing mullet about it, even adding in the 250.
In Oak or Walnut they are £3,500 in white (as mine) or black the Elites are £3,250 which is by my maths nearly £750 cheaper so not really on par cost wise the Ekstra’s however are exactly the same price as the A7’s so a better like for like comparison on a purely budget basis.
Stephen are you no longer using N-sats? I seem to remember you saying they were the greatest speakers ever made…
No I don’t think I have a mullet system, I think it’s well balanced.
Crikey, I sometimes wonder about this forum. You ask a simple question about whether anyone has compared two speakers, and you get responses ranging from being quoted from a previous post, being told I have a mullet system, being told speakers are the last thing I should be upgrading, etc.
Ok just to explain my situation further (to kill off the various assumptions and off kilter advice), I think the Neat Elites are fantastic speakers. However, there are just a couple of aspects that I wish were a little better. (1) I’d like a little bit more bass ‘impact’, and (2) I’d like just a touch less brightness on the treble (only an issue on some recordings). I recognise no speaker is perfect and I could live with the Elites. Like I said, they are honestly excellent. But I can’t help wondering if the A7’s would suit me and my system better.
Simple as that…
So you think there is such a difference in price between elites and A7’s that nobody would have compared them?
If that is what you’re saying, fair enough. Not sure I agree but that’s ok.
I suppose it depends on what your starting point is for auditioning new speakers in the first place and with respect I think that most people start with a budget see what’s available in their price range within a couple of hundred quid either way go for a series of auditions at respective dealers and hopefully narrow it down to a couple of models then get a home demo before making a final decision.
Obviously other things come into play because speakers are probably the most visual piece of the HiFi jigsaw so even if they sound excellent they have got to fit in with your room aesthetics.
There is nothing to say you can’t compare cheaper models from the same or other manufacturers against higher priced ones and you may for all sorts of reasons pick a cheaper option against a more expensive one as we all know speakers are probably the most subjective piece of HiFi we own.
My only point was that if you potentially now have a budget of 4K for a new speaker the Spendor A7’s or otherwise why would you not compare them with something within a similar price range from the brand you are currently using especially if you like the general sound of the brand otherwise you may well be missing out on the speaker that will work best for you
Just my thoughts for what there worth and no offence intended
I still have n-SATs/nSUB. Sometimes I connect up my Motive SX2s and they really take my breath away at how fun they are to listen to. They really get to the heart & spirit of the music
Sorry my intention was not to offend you in anyway but to merely suggest another avenue, that’s all. The new range of NEAT speakers certainly seem to represent good value for money. The Spendors are also great speakers, especially the A4. I can’t comment on the A7 as I’m not familiar with those. Anyway I hope you choose the right candidate for your system. I guess there’s only one real way to find out?
I can’t help you with the direct comparison but I do have the spendor A7s.
They are now on my 2nd system, but I still like them a lot.
They are definitely not shrill so don’t worry about that. The midrange is really their forte. They can do bass of course, but it’s not a strength in my opinion.
So if you like vocal, guitar, or piano led music then they are a great option.
Thanks @Entilzha for the feedback on the A7’s. When you say bass is not their strength, are they lacking in bass impact or bass extension?
Is all relative really. I bought some Kudos Titan 606s and they are very clearly superior to the Spendors when it comes to treble and bass. They should be at nearly 3 x the price though. They are also larger cabinets with an extra driver to the bass is bound to be bigger.
However I think the Spendors are closer to the kudos when it comes to midrange.
So the A7s are great all round imo, but I think the midrange is extra special at that price range
Interesting . Thanks again.
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