Spotify Connect: Volume normalization attempt 2

The blow text is a copy paste from a topic I started in august 2023.

Using Spotify Connect on the Mu-So 2 is very convenient, but it suffers from the same thing as many other compatible Spotify Connect devices do. That is the sometimes enormous volume differences between tracks, forcing the user to juggle the remote constantly to adjust playback volume.

It seems that Spotify has now implemented the required API part for the eSDK. The SpFormat struct now includes gain_mdb that indicates how much gain to apply to the current track. API Reference eSDK 3.203.233 | Spotify for Developers

Hi @User1

We recently did a recertification of the latest Spotify Connect libraries (esdk-v3.205-v3.205.187-g0b65d3e0). Volume normalization was not brought up then.

I’ll ask Spotify and if it should be supported, we’ll get it in.


Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.

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Hi @Stevesky that’s great news. Would be superb to have it as an option.

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