SQ satisfaction at low listening levels with Naim and Dali Epic 8

and +1 for ‘power supply’ upgrades
“adding a HiCAP”; I’d be keen to do this pathway too… (might even be practical based on typical resale on Naim equipment too… its one of those upgrades that is subtle to put in place, but super hard to remove… )

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I have the Epicon 6 myself and use it with the large New Naim Classic system.
Just a few thoughts on your problems.

  • The room is actually big enough for the 8
  • It doesn’t make great demands on the amplifier either, so SN2 is ok.
  • Are the speaker cables connected correctly
  • Is there enough space to the back and to the side
  • The speakers must not be angled
    Otherwise I would definitely keep the Epicon, they are wonderful speakers, the problem must lie somewhere else
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I bought new BS Node N132 , installed Qobuz and make a digital connection to the Nd5XS DAC. SQ overall is much much better also at low listening levels.


Hi everyone,

In the NODE streamer + ND5 XS DAC combo, the sound initially seemed clearer, especially at lower volumes, which I found pleasing. However, after extended listening, I realized that this setup lacked the depth of soundstage, musicality, bass richness, and fluidity that Naim delivers on its own. This was something I couldn’t overlook. Even without Qobuz, listening to Spotify directly through the Naim ND5 XS provides a far more enjoyable musical experience. I wanted to update this to avoid misleading anyone. It seems that once you get used to Naim’s PRaT, it’s hard to let go. From my perspective, the best path forward would still involve upgrading within the Naim ecosystem. I believe the pathway should be the HiCap DR first, followed by the ND5 XS2.

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