Sssssserious sibilance - help!

Updating on my problem with excess sibilants, I pulled apart my whole system paying attention to everything - Support, component positioning, cable dressing, Burndy de-stressing, separation of power and signal cables, grounding, power, fuse orientation, speaker cables, etc.
After several days of perspiration and scraped knuckles, my system was “rebuilt” and it was time to finally listen. Amazingly, excess sibilants are GONE!
Major change was changing to a longer, cryo’d and verified set of NACA5s; that was the major change and eliminated the raspiness. The system rebuild eliminated the final traces of excess sibilants.
I now have two sets of Thiel speakers: (1) my 21 year old CS3.6s which still have a trace of excess sibilants, and (2) newer 10 year old CS2.4s which sound amazing and with no trace of excess sibilants, but loose a half-octave if low-end. Bs. The 3.6s. So I’ve now resolved the component issues but now have to decide which speakers I will keep (I don’t want two sets) - the overall-better 3.6s or the newer not-quite-as-special 2.4s.
So glad to have this one-year-old component problem finally sorted out!
Thanks to All for your excellent suggestions and trouble shooting. Much appreciated!

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