Staff build

Yes but I’m deliberately not saying, it’s not really my place to divulge.

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I was told by the person who sold it to me that my 52 is a staff build, made in the USA by someone at Naim Audio North America for a friend. Naim would not confirm or deny this. When I sent it in for service, they said that the SN was “out of the usual run”, and that the preamp is complete and correct.

When did they start numbering them with 99* i’ve got a 99016* 282.

Not sure exactly when but probably in the last couple of years. Naim can confirm if you ask them.

It will almost certainly predate 2017, if not older. Staff build has been stopped for a while. Plus for it to have been sold on, that would put it at early 2010’s at the youngest. If you contact support they likely can check in the serial number enquiry, I think only serial number printing history is recorded as these units would not go through normal build processes.

I did have a few different naim units that were ‘built for me’ at naim which had non standard serial numbers - so essentially a normal assembly. I believe they all were sound checked by PS, so I had no doubts whatsoever about the quality. When eventually (after years of ownership), I sold some of them, it wasn’t hard for me to convince a buyer of provenance, because I could just show a brochure with my name in it.


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