Star update 3.8.5

Might be worth trying a factory reset Mike. You don’t have much to lose and everything to gain. These are the instructions from Naim’s website.

  1. Firstly unplug any connected speakers and the power cable.
  2. Press the Play/ Pause and Input buttons on the front panel while powering up the Uniti Star.
  3. Continue to hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Release the Play/ Pause and Input buttons.
  5. Wait for the Uniti Star to complete the factory reset and go into Stand-by.

I’ve tried a few times now without success. I’ll give it one more go now that I’ve removed the speaker plugs - that released a pop - so something was going on there.

Update: no luck with that either.

I’ve removed some posts here. Please could members stick to the topic at hand - the Star 3.8.5 update. Feel free to start a new topic if you wish to discuss other products here. Thanks.

That’s a little bit severe Richard, in my view….
Since when has a little bit of thread drift been thus culled around the forum…!?
I’m more concerned at the nagging feeling I have re the removal of posts, fairly IMHO, that were criticising the state of affairs re the AU/NZ distribution and service support….
However, I know you are typically always fair handed and will have your reasons and as you say, a new post can always be started……but I must say, find the cull a bit unnecessary re ‘thread drift’ reasons……


SC, it depend on the thread - in this case it’s a thread specifically for owners to post epxeriences or any issues updating their Uniti Star. Because of that, I keep it tight.

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Fair enough….
But I do feel there was relevancy as Mike had posted re his Star issues, then we started conversing re the overall situation re servicing etc out in this neck of the woods, or rather lack of therein….and of course my Core issues……
And besides, there is your ‘official’ Star update thread, which I would have thought took a priority in that regard……

But anyway, I see where you’re coming from….

Back on topic. Apologies to all else.


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I missed this, I’ll start a new thread.

Updated my Star on 10th November, ripped about 20 cd’s since then, all seem good with no dropouts. I have noticed a few issues since the upgrade. If the display is set to turn off during playback, you can select internet radio, the screen will display the station selected then go off after approx 20 seconds.(as before the upgrade) If another station is then selected, the station changes but the display stays off.
The same scenario occurs when playing albums from an external drive, when you select to change the album, it changes but the display stays off.
I have also noticed an issue when playing cd’s. When a cd is loaded, the display gives the options of “rip cd” or “play cd”, if you select play. The the cd plays but with no album data, just simply number of tracks and which is playing eg. Track 1
This is also further complicated when using the app. When a cd is loaded if you select play from the app, the display freezes with the options of rip or play even though the cd is playing.
Anybody noticed similar issues?

Cd playing with no data is normal as there is no metadata on a normal cd!

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