Station deactivated by VTuner

For several years, VTuner, for no apparent reason, has stopped the broadcasting of certain stations. I have a problem with Misty Radio which is played very well on other broadcasters. I requested support from Naim last September and…nothing. Is @Stevesky still there? THANKS

Which Naim streamer are you using? Misty is alive and chillin’ on my Qb2.

Where is the station located? I’m looking for it on my QB1 but can’t find it under the “Jazz” Genre.
I thought I’d look just in case it has disappeared from earlier streamers using only V-Tuner, rather than the newer Naim iRadio.

I used the global search and it just popped up. The new Naim iRadio is much better for finding things as you just use the global search and don’t need to worry about location.

On my ND5xs2, I found it in the Browse all for United States. However the initial search yields a “not found” message, but then I noticed a very slow progress bar moving across the bottom.

With patience, “Misty Radio” appeared after 2 mins of searching.

Global Search isn’t a thing on the QB1, only later ones and I don’t know what equipment the original poster is using.

Again, this yielded no results on my QB1

Just listening to Misty Radio through my ND5xs2/nDAC/PS555DR and it sounds ok for it’s MP3 distribution.

I’ll use this station for background music when I have noisy guests who don’t appreciate high end audio.

It’s got the genre and content that I enjoy, just hope they could upgrade to a hidef FLAC transmission

Je viens de recevoir un message du soutien technique de Naim qui me confirme que Naim n’utilise plus les services de Vtuner, mais la récente mise à jour des stations de radio n’est pas disponible pour les Mu-so de 1ère génération, ce qui est mon cas. La station Misty Radio ne doit malheureusement pas être disponible avec le service actuel des anciens appareils toujoiurs desservis avec la programmation de Vtuner. Le technicien de Naim me signale que Naim demande à Vtuner de corriger les pannes qui affectent certaines stations mais il ne semble pas obtenir de réponse à leurs requêtes.

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You’ll need to update your muso 1st gen when there is a firmware upgrade made available. That will add support for the new Naim radio service.

Merci Robert. J’attends avec impatience la mise à jour pour les Mu-so 1ère génération!

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I asked Naim support, when would the update be available for my Mu-so 1s? Here is Naim’s response:
«I can confirm there’s no guarantee that the new software and radio will be available for our discontinued products. If an updated version of the software does become available in the future, unfortunately, I cannot provide an estimated timeframe for its release.»
I think I’ll wait a long time.
@stevesky all I’m asking is to find the Misty Radio station that Vtuner no longer broadcasts!!

Hi @Pierre3
Although it sounds like support are being on the cautious side, as we can never guarantee anything, I can say that we are actively working on bringing the new Naim Radio to the Mu-so 1st Gen and Legacy Streamer platforms.
As these things can be a bit unpredictable for a time scale, unfortunately I can’t give an indication as to exactly when it will be, but we really are hoping to get the discontinued products onto the new tuner to help future proof them and keep them running for many years to come!


Hi @Pierre3

On VTuner I’ve added it into Naim’s Choice, while you wait to be transitioned to the new service.

Hope that helps.



Great news, thank you. I’m still running x 2 QB’s + 1 Muso all Gen 1. Chuffed that us Gen 1 peeps aren’t getting left behind!!

Thanks to you Steve!
Kind regards

Am I alone in being particularly unhappy with Naim’s support because each time, without the intervention of who you know… my requests would be without solution.