Strange 252 Power Down

Last night I noticed my NAC252 and Supercap DR were powered down. Earlier in the day all was fine. I tried switching it off and on a few times to no effect. Then I unplugged and reinstalled the power line and tried again, still nothing. Finally, I unplugged the power line from the wall socket, plugged it back in and, bingo, the supercap and 252 powered up and all was well and working again.

Has anyone experience similar and can they shed any light on what may have caused this ? All seems ok this morning too.

I would make sure the powerline is correctly inserted into the Super-cap. It’s a hard push in

Make sure your Powerline is properly and fully inserted at the IEC end. I’m concerned that it may not be at the moment, and that with you unplugging and replugging the mains end just moved it slightly so it’s now making contact, just not securely.

Hold the IEC plug by the main body only. Then push in. You will feel a point of high resistance. You then need to push harder to fully open the jaws onto the pins. As it pushes onto the pins you’ll see the rear end (back bit) of the IEC push backwards.

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