Strange Bluetooth behaviour

I have a Unity Atom HE, used for main listening, running the latest firmware (3.8.1 build 5437).

I was fiddling around with my Amazon Fire tablet, wishing to get two pairs of Airpods connected at the same time. It wouldn’t work, so I bought a Bluetooth transmitter that pops into the USB C slot and claimed to be capable of connecting to two devices simultaneously. It was, but not in the way I expected.

Both sets of Airpods paired, but the sound only came through one set. The confusion came when I could hear the tablet’s output playing through my Atom at the same time as it played through one set of Airpods…

Now, I haven’t paired the Atom with anything but, more than that, I have disabled the Bluetooth input. Despite that, the transmitter is making a Bluetooth connection to the Atom (the app shows that it’s the Bluetooth input that is active and has “connected device” or similar term).

It won’t be a continuing issue as the transmitter will be returned, as it steadfastly refuses to connect to the two sets of Airpods (I found a different one that does, and which doesn’t force itself on to the Atom).

The question is, if I have specifically disabled Bluetooth as an input, why would the transmitter be capable of forcing itself on to the Atom and over-riding my user decision?

Just to add, I also have two Muso Qb2s, neither of which were interfered with in this shenanigan.

Bluetooth is still witchcraft.
It’s this very strange kind of self aware voodoo that drives me nuts. :man_facepalming:t2:

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