Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! 😱

What is the DC1 Jim? Sean Jacobs ?
My favourite linear ps were Uptone JS1 and top MCRU. I indeed preferred the later vs the Farad on the Etheregen.

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It is mainly your posts (and a few others) that have been a key driver for me trying out new things. I’m personally surprised how far my system has come from that first ‘toe in the water’ approach with a Node and an IPad to what I have now. I believe I have surpassed the performance of my CDP555 a while back, so I sold it. What I appear to be doing now is just refining everything that little bit further. The only complication is that some things seem to work well together and some things don’t and it’s just finding the correct combinations that suit my system.

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This may be why I never really notice much difference on the network side, and am actually very happy with it. Audirvana Audio does just this on a Mac mini dedicated to serving music and connected using a GS108-E switch to only the NSC222 (and the internet to the switch for streaming). Its much better quality than using either the Qobuz or Naim apps.

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Sorry, I meant DC3 - edited above.

Did you not try a DC3?

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No, but believe it may among the best. But very expensive, specially the DC4.

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I agree there’s something deeper going on, it’s psychological, which is all well and good. I get the same joy from my system without the need to constantly tweek and it’s very comforting.

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I must confess that I was constantly tweaking my system until I found the right system with my room, now I just sit back and enjoy the music. By hindsight, you can be a serial tweaker if you are somehow unhappy with your system for some reason.

You can also also become a serial tweaker when each successive tweak delivers consistently higher and more intense doses of pleasure and joy


There are currently 72 devices on my network.

I wont be going down the separate router for hifi any time soon.


That was me with PN, not the rooster :joy:
I had a dc3 and ee8 plus farad. And at the end a PN.
Dc3 is wonderful and was the best LPS, but beaten by the PN which is close in overall cost.
Had some chat with Sean Jacob’s x he told me, that inside PN there is quasi a dual rail dc3.


I did quite a bit of tweaking when I was setting up my streaming network for the first time. Spent a lot of time learning about networking, blind testing switches, ethernet cables, and was active in the prevailing threads at the time where others were sharing their experiences. Certain truths became obvious in my experiments and I got my network to a place where the music sounded right and I’m not constantly questioning if it can be better. Very happy.

That explains it.

What did you do with the DC3?

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It came broken - a switch (5v to 9v) which was initially requested by the owner, broke during transport. With extremely helpful support from the SJ team I was able to test it anyway.
The seller (nice guy) took it back and I had send it to repair for him.

Afterwards I took the PN!

Ah - you bought it SH.

Sean and his wife are great.

They have built a professional overhanging climbing wall in their garage.

Very creative, productive, and nice people.

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Such is my life

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Mine too. Power couple.

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Last year I got an apologetic email from Sean explaining my power supply upgrade might be slightly delayed as his wife had just gone into labour with their first child.

In what was likely a life-changing week for both households, my revamped power supply was duly delivered a few days after the safe arrival of Jacobs Jr.


Not sure you right here… UPnP Pull approach, which is what Naim use was selected because it reduces overall noise and network related vagaries. Naim pull/fetch the data from the server and spool into memory, and the audio is independently played out from that memory for the best performance including noise.
Most use network switches/router switch ports on their networks (as opposed to obsolete network hubs) , so only streamer related unicast traffic appears on the streamer segment… so what is happening in terms of unicast flows elsewhere on the network is irrelevant in terms of SQ.
Wifi uses a shared medium, but most use more recent protocols such as 802.11ac and greater, and coupled with the memory spooling functionality of the Naim generation 2 and later streamers means this sharing of the medium is mostly irrelevant too.

All Ethernet ports if they are compliant to the Ethernet standard are galvanically isolated… so yes the switch that connects to your streamer will provide all the separation you need. If it’s a quality mains earthed switch, it should mitigate common mode currents elsewhere as well.

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Does an Ethernet port on a streamer block common mode noise.

If it doesn’t won’t the streamer/dac be effected by common mode noise generated upstream.