Don’t listen to the Chord Music full loom. Just sayin’.
Bart, I still have my Chord Serum T 5pin din interconnect.
Much preferred the SL 5 pin interconnect.
I know it is not the Music but I think for me and in my system it works so well.
I am hoping that the Din-XLR will make it even better
I am no longer bothered by the latest firmware since my system has never sounded this good
Regards, David
Update: purchased mint SL din xlr pair yesterday.
From dealer who purchased them from an estate sale…prior owner died and family sold his entire 500 system. The cables are 2 years old and they haven’t been used in over a year.
Adding the SL din din 5 pin interconnect and then the SL speaker cable was a fantastic upgrade, equivalent to a box upgrade (IMHO).
Thus far I’m not seeing much of a difference with the din xlr cable.
Just hooked up yesterday and my entire system was shut down for an hour.
I’ve read all the threads on din xlr and gather they may take more time to “open up”
At least I hope so.
Need professional help @Darkebear
My experience with the DIN-XLR SL leads is that they take many weeks before I was happy with a new pair being acceptable - then over months of use they got very much better and the bass opened-out and they lost their ‘thin and lean’ initial character and became fuller with richer textures.
My Dealer had loaned me a run-in set before I got mine so I may not have held-out to get mine run-in if I had not heard a good run-in set first on home demo.
Thanks DB
Mine are not new but likely not used for over a year…. Not sure whether will take time to reach peak performance.
System still sounding great after adding speaker cable and interconnect between streamer and preamp.
2 days of use and the din xlr’s much be breaking in.
Sound has more fullness and depth.
Even my wife noticed this so I do not think it is my imagination.
Sounding pretty good right now. Probably best my system has ever sounded.
Hope more improvement to come.
I managed to find a good pair second hand but I reckon they still took month before they gave me a glimpse of just how good they were. Many don’t rate the Din/XLR’s like they do the interconnect but for me it was the other way round!
S/h SL is always good . I found the DIN/XLR from my NAC-N 272 - NAP 250 DR a marked improvement over the standard in-the-box cable.
Ditto the XLR-XLR interconnect for the NSC 222 - NAP 250 pairing.
Very happy with my SL Din-XLRs. All second hand and sounded great straight away. Difficult to say if they have improved since going in as I don’t play the same music all the time. Maybe I’ll try something very familiar next time and see if I can hear any difference from when the last one went in a month ago… ish.
4 pin din active SL should arrive Friday, so that’s going to be interesting too.
After evaluating following DIN XLR - Chord Super Aray, Super Lumina, Witch Hat Morgana and Oephi Transcendence I today have Oephi and find they sound best in my system. Or they “sound” most transparent I might add.
After replacing hiline, standard din xlr, nac a5 with full loom super lumina I can say that it was a more significant improvement than adding a second 555 ps to my nd555.
If I were to do it again would have gotten the SL cables much earlier in my hifi travels.
It is very expensive, especially in US but I got the full loom SL at approximately 40% off list price.
These SL cables seem to make the issues I was having with the firmware effect on my ND555 seem to now be insignificant.