Supernait 3 + Supercap DR

With that said, then keeping an eye out for a SN2 seems a sensible choice, if I had a choice between a SN2 + HiCap DR or a SN3, I’d likely chose a SN3 and run it bare and then add a XPS to the NDX later down the line if you felt it needed it. If you’re hoping to avoid the extra spend then a SN2 + NDX will be a good baseline and probably all you’ll need from that system longer term as well.

Thanks yes - will just have to try to keep eye out for SN2 (but if SN3 comes up at a good price may snap it up). Frustrating that I have spent so long thinking about it that I have missed several :frowning: Thanks for your help :+1:

On the bright side, not getting a good deal on the SN2 might provide an excellent justification to get an SN3 instead… :rofl: :rofl:

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Exactly :grin:

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I hope you enjoy years of enjoyment with your new SN3…


Congratulations! Make sure and give it a few days to run-in. Mine sounded better after 3 days.


I’m not sure it’s as simple as that. A Hicap is a dual rail supply with the benefit of decoupling you get from putting it in a separate box. So I wouldn’t assume that it can’t still benefit a SN2 without testing it. Which is something I haven’t done, although I can say that the DR preamp power supply in a NAP200 is no match for a Hicap when powering a separate preamp.

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Hmm - I may well try it whatever I get - there seem to be enough different opinions that you can’t take anything for granted

Hey marcusman, what a amp?! Especially with a HiCap DR in it’s sockets! Now we are talking buddy! :sunglasses:

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Curious, because most of members here with a SN2 have an Hicap dr and found a very nice uplift in sound.

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Trust me FR, HiCap DR also make a big improvement here with SN3 too.Nothings changed that much, apart from a Cascode circuit being removed. Which adds even more with a HiCapDR in place. SN3 all the way bro! NAC A5 properly made up too. :sunglasses:

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@TimOopNorth has a Non-DR HiCap so the conversation related to if it would be of use/benefit vs a HiCap DR, which he doesn’t have…

Yes it is. I’m sure it’ll sound fantastic without a HiCapDR but it sure isn’t taking anything away. My dealer said if I was running w/out a HiCapDR I’d be asking for one 3-6 months down the road. A SupercapDR would lead me quicker down the separates path.

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Yup. I have here compared SN3 on it’s own and with a HiCap DR. What do REALLY think, in all honesty, reckon what the outcome was? :thinking:

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It’s an amazing upgrade and has been all along! :sunglasses:

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I’m sure we all agree the HiCap is amazing and makes a difference, having said that, the difference is less obvious on a SN3 when compared to adding one to a SN2 based in part on the improvements made in the SN3 which to my ears go some way to resolve some of the inherent constraints in the SN2 design.
Anyway, back on topic, it’s all about the Supercap DR…

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That, I suppose, is a limitation you have to accept when seeking the wisdom of the forum! There is no simple right and wrong. There are those who prefer the a Supernait with no Hicap, just as there are those who prefer a 282 with a Hicap to a Supercap, or a 555PS to a 555DR, or a 250.2 to a 250DR. They may be in a minority, but what exactly is that minority? Perhaps they are just oddballs, or perhaps they are less influenced by herd mentality, or maybe they just listen differently. It doesn’t really matter, but as time goes by I find myself becoming quite wary of forum recommendations.

Ah ok, i misunderstood. I thought he was saying that an hicap makes no differences, be it dr or not.

Well, how my SN3/SC2 is sounding right now, I think the HCDR is outgunned…

But I can’t properly say until I swap the HC back in.


Finally, back on topic…

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