Support stand for Uniti Atom

I was looking for an Atom sized stand for stacking atop my 250 DR.
In the end I ordered a piece of 15mm thick tinted Perspex and mounted it on four Isoacoustics orea pucks.

Very happy with the result.


Just out of curiosity, what’s the 250 standing on🤔

Very ingenious, though there looks to be plenty of space to the right of the 250 and I wonder if it might sound and look better there. Are you planning to use the Atom/250 as a long term solution? If so, swapping the Atom for an Atom HE would make a lot of sense.

I have an HE but rather than putting it on top of an amplifier, it sits on a little side table.

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It’s an antique oak bureaux which also serves as my office desk.

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There is space on the bureaux but then it would be completely hidden by my computer monitor.
I’m debating on hiding the 250 in one of the drawers.
That’s a lovely looking side table, is it Danish?

Sorry that was me being unclear, I meant the “Isolation” not the piece of furniture. :face_with_peeking_eye:

It’s made by Ercol in Buckinghamshire. It’s a one-off factory sample that never made it to production.