System Pics 2020

Lovely, Nait 1 for me too (Not that I would sell my Nait2).


thank ya. I am lacking proper bass traps in the corners of my room and those are on my wishlist.

Happy Hanuka too :wink:

I have two the front corners and two behind listening position. Subtle but worthwhile improvement. How are the ceiling diffusers?

Hi tricky.

Your stack looks like mine probably will; I’m in the process of moving from 4 to 6 shelves in that same colour scheme. The concern here is that 6 might look a bit too high or just top heavy, the pic you posted here suggests maybe not - could you perhaps post an image or two that shows your Fraim stack with a wider context of your room decor? Anyone else who has a Fraim 6-pack feel free to do the same.

To bat off the obvious answer, there isn’t the floor space to do the 2 x 3 stacks in that part of the room.

Thanks muchly.

Here you go


They really don’t look as big as this😎



Almost the same size I believe?

Adding the NAP 300 has made them sound twice as large, quite phenomenal how much scale and weight can be added without ruining the overall balance. I didn’t realise the S20’s were this capable.

I bet 606’s would be something else though! It would be an interesting comparison, 250 DR + 606’s vs 300DR + S20’s, assuming that the same room worked for them both.

Room is everything of course. S20s never worked at all where the 606 sit presently, but all things being equal i’m sure S20/300 vs 606/250 would be interesting!

Sorry, forum rules apply.

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The ceiling treatments made a noticeable difference. This room has low ceilings and the huge Focals were reflecting all over the place (especially from ceiling directly above my listening spot), and the Flexiwaves calmed things down. I really noticed a more settled sound in the higher frequencies. Hindsight I could’ve opted for a more cost-effective solution but I am happy with them.

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Great pic!

Out of curiosity, what’s the room you’re in? With the stairs one might wonder whether you’ve been banned to the corridor.

Haha yes😀No actually it’s the main living room, which is L shaped. The stairs are a pain in the arse, but it’s the only place for the system such is the layout.

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You do need clean records though, it gets deeper into the groove than just about anything else.

Luxman… sweet.
Any experience on Accuphase? ( and how you compare)

Gary, didn’t you use to have Shahinian’s?
New pair?

Lovely looking setup Tricky. What distance are your speakers apart?
Judging by the photo I assume they are closer together than you would like but I bet still sounds great.

Yes new pair, replaced the Shahinian’s a few weeks back.


Looks like you have optimised the room pretty well. Most rooms are acoustically difficult unless you are very lucky. 272 maybe a keeper?